
Zulko / eagle.js

  • суббота, 18 марта 2017 г. в 03:11:36

A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js

Eagle.js - A slideshow framework for hackers

Eagle.js is a slideshow system built on top of the Vue.js web framefork . It supports animations, themes, interactive widgets (for web demos), and makes it easy to reuse components, slides and styles across presentations. For a quick tour, see this slideshow:


Most of all, Eagle aims at offering a simple and very hackable API so you can get off the beaten tracks and craft the slideshows you really want.

Here is what the Eagle syntax looks like (using Pug):

      h1 My slideshow
      h4 By Zulko

      h3 Title of this slide
      p  Paragraph 1.
      p  Paragraph 2.

      h3 Slide with bullet points
      p(v-if='step >= 2') This will appear first.
      p(v-if='step >= 3') This will appear second.

If you are not familiar with Vue.js you will find Eagle harder to use than, say, Reveal.js, but on the long term Eagle makes it easier to organize your slides and implement new ideas.

Get started

You must have Node/NPM installed to use Eagle.js.

Then the best to get started is to clone the example repo:

git clone

Install the dependencies (they will only be downloaded in a local folder):

cd eaglejs-demo
npm install

Then run npm run dev to start the server, and open your browser at http://localhost:8080 to see the slideshows.

To start editing, click on My first slideshow to display this slideshow, then open the file eagle/src/slideshows/first-slideshow/FirstSlideshow.vue and change the content of the first slide. Observe the changes happen automatically in your browser. The only times you need to refresh the page is when you add remove or add slides to the presentation.


Eagle.JS is an open source framework originally written by Zulko and released on Github under the ISC licence. Everyone is welcome to contribute !

Below are a few ideas that deserve more attention in the future:

  • Bundler to make standalone HTML presentations
  • PDF export ?
  • Themes
  • Better docs ? (What do javascript people use to write docs ?)