yongman / tidis
- понедельник, 23 апреля 2018 г. в 00:19:04
Distributed NoSQL database, Redis protocol compatible using tikv as backend
Tidis is a Distributed NoSQL database, providing a redis-protocal api(string,list,hash,set,sorted-set), written in Go.
Tidis is like TiDB layer, providing protocol transform, powered by tikv backend distributed storage which use raft for data replication and 2PC for distributed transaction.
This repo is WIP now and has lots of work to do, and for test only.
string |
get |
set |
del |
mget |
mset |
incr |
incrby |
decr |
decrby |
strlen |
hash |
hget |
hstrlen |
hexists |
hlen |
hmget |
hdel |
hset |
hsetnx |
hmset |
hkeys |
hvals |
hgetall |
hclear |
list |
lpop |
rpush |
rpop |
llen |
lindex |
lrange |
lset |
ltrim |
ldel |
set |
sadd |
scard |
sismember |
smembers |
srem |
sdiff |
sunion |
sinter |
sdiffstore |
sunionstore |
sinterstore |
sclear |