ynqa / jnv
- пятница, 22 марта 2024 г. в 00:00:04
interactive JSON filter using jq
jnv is designed for navigating JSON,
offering an interactive JSON viewer and jq
filter editor.
filter editor
brew install ynqa/tap/jnv
cargo install jnv
jnv does not require users to install jq
on their system,
because it utilizes j9 Rust bindings.
cat data.json | jnv
jnv data.json
Key | Action |
Ctrl + C | Exit jnv |
Tab | jq filter auto-completion |
← | Move the cursor one character to the left |
→ | Move the cursor one character to the right |
Ctrl + A | Move the cursor to the start of the filter |
Ctrl + E | Move the cursor to the end of the filter |
Backspace | Delete a character of filter at the cursor position |
Ctrl + U | Delete all characters of filter |
↑, Ctrl + K | Move the cursor one entry up in JSON viewer |
↓, Ctrl + J | Move the cursor one entry down in JSON viewer |
Ctrl + H | Move to the last entry in JSON viewer |
Ctrl + L | Move to the first entry in JSON viewer |
Enter | Toggle expand/collapse in JSON viewer |
Ctrl + P | Expand all folds in JSON viewer |
Ctrl + N | Collapse all folds in JSON viewer |
JSON navigator and interactive filter leveraging jq
Usage: jnv [OPTIONS] [INPUT]
- Read from a file:
jnv data.json
- Read from standard input:
cat data.json | jnv
Optional path to a JSON file. If not provided or if "-" is specified, reads from standard input
-e, --edit-mode <EDIT_MODE>
Specifies the edit mode for the interface.
Acceptable values are "insert" or "overwrite".
- "insert" inserts a new input at the cursor's position.
- "overwrite" mode replaces existing characters with new input at the cursor's position.
[default: insert]
-i, --indent <INDENT>
Affect the formatting of the displayed JSON,
making it more readable by adjusting the indentation level.
[default: 2]
-n, --no-hint
When this option is enabled, it prevents the display of
hints that typically guide or offer suggestions to the user.
-d, --expand-depth <EXPAND_DEPTH>
Specifies the initial depth to which JSON nodes are expanded in the visualization.
Note: Increasing this depth can significantly slow down the display for large datasets.
[default: 3]
-l, --suggestion-list-length <SUGGESTION_LIST_LENGTH>
Controls the number of suggestions displayed in the list,
aiding users in making selections more efficiently.
[default: 3]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version