
xM4ddy / OFGB

  • понедельник, 6 мая 2024 г. в 00:00:01

GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11

screenshot of OFGB

OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back)

GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11

First Things First Credits:

What This Tool Does And How

This tool uses changes to the Windows Registry to disable ads in various places around Windows 11. The tool is written in C# and uses WPF.


  1. run git clone
  2. Open OFGB.sln with Visual Studio
  3. Build Project

Where EXE?

Here EXE


If you find any bugs it would be very cash money of you to make an issue!

Want To Add More?

Come Join The GitHub Discussion! Here we discuss new keys to be added!

Other Notes

Psst, Want to avoid all this mess? Try Linux!