
xiaoyao1991 / presto-ethereum

  • четверг, 27 июля 2017 г. в 03:13:55

Presto Ethereum Connector -- SQL on Ethereum

Presto Ethereum Connector

Unleash the Power of Presto Interactive SQL Querying on Ethereum Blockchain


Presto is a powerful interactive querying engine that enables running SQL queries on anything -- be it MySQL, HDFS, local file, Kafka -- as long as there exist a connector to the source.

This is a Presto connector to the Ethereum blockchain data. With this connector, one can get hands on with Ethereum blockchain analytics work without having to know how to play with the nitty gritty Javascript API.


Showing all the tables available showtables

Schema of the block table describeblock

Schema of the transaction table describetx

Get the top miners based on blocks mined within a block range topminers

Get the top accounts based on values going out within a block range richest


  1. Have an Ethereum client(Geth, Parity) running locally. TODO: Infura support coming soon
  2. Install Presto
  3. Clone this repo and run mvn clean install to build the plugin jar
  4. Load the plugin to Presto