
woodruffw / kbsecret

  • суббота, 10 июня 2017 г. в 03:11:44

A secret manager backed by Keybase and KBFS.


Gem Version

Note: This is still a work in process. Use it with caution.

kbsecret is a combined library/utility that provides a secret management interface for KBFS and Keybase.

Benefits over current offerings

  • Easy password and environment sharing across multiple users.
    • kbsecret login -s dev-team github prints the dev team's GitHub login.
  • No PGP/SSH key setup necessary - you only need a Keybase account.
    • No more worrying about losing your key.
  • Transparent access - KBFS provides a VFS layer over all reads/writes.
    • All records are stored encrypted on KBFS.


kbsecret is available via RubyGems:

$ gem install kbsecret

For hacking:

$ git clone && cd kbsecret
$ RUBYLIB=./lib PATH=./bin:${PATH} ./bin/kbsecret help

Documentation is available on RubyDoc.


# create a new login record under the default session
$ kbsecret new login gmail "" "barbazquux"

# list all records under the default session
$ kbsecret list

# show the requested login record
$ kbsecret login gmail
Label: gmail
	Password: barbazquux

# create a new session between 3 keybase users (foo, bar, and baz)
$ kbsecret new-session -l dev-team -u foo,bar,baz

# list available sessions
$ kbsecret sessions

# add an environment record to the dev-team session
$ kbsecret new environment api-key API_KEY 0xBADBEEF -s dev-team

# list all records under the dev-team session
$ kbsecret list -s dev-team

# get all environment records in dev-team in an easy-to-source format
$ kbsecret env -s dev-team --all
export API_KEY='0xBADBEEF'

Manual Pages

kbsecret's manual pages can be found online here.

If you'd like to generate the roff versions for man(1), you'll need ronn(1):

$ gem install ronn
$ make man
$ cp man/*.1 ${YOUR_MAN_DIR}

Shell Completion

kbsecret provides shell completion functions for bash.

To generate them:

$ make bash
$ # or, if you have additional commands that support --introspect-flags:
$ CMDS='foo bar baz' make bash
$ cp completions/kbsecret.bash ${YOUR_COMPLETION_DIR}

Please feel free to contribute completion scripts for other shells!


  • zsh/fish completions
  • facility for moving sessions (add users, change session label, etc)
  • glob for available sessions instead of requiring explicit configuration