
vvanders / wasm_lua

  • понедельник, 20 марта 2017 г. в 03:12:21

Lua VM running in a WASM environment


Lua VM running in your browser!

Open here, if it works you should see "Hello Lua!".

Each update is executed in a unique VM instance via WASM + emscripten.

Currently test on Firefox 52.0 but probably works on other platforms as well.


Lua is a fast, highly embeddable VM that boasts a wide set of features allowing it to be adapted to a diverse set of domains and platforms.

  • Can be run in 400kb of memory or less.
  • Multi-paradigm via metatables, closures and coroutines.
  • Robust, proven VM that's shipped on platforms including MIPS, x86, ARM and many others(and now WASM!).
  • Small, easy to understand language.
  • Extensible debugger hooks for easy on-target debugging.

Thanks to rawgit for hosting.