
vercel / geist-font

  • среда, 1 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:07

geist-hero geist-hero

Geist Sans & Geist Mono

Geist is a new font family for Vercel, created by Vercel in collaboration with Basement Studio.

Geist Sans is a sans-serif typeface designed for legibility and simplicity. It is a modern, geometric typeface that is based on the principles of classic Swiss typography. It is designed to be used in headlines, logos, posters, and other large display sizes.

Geist Mono is a monospaced typeface that has been crafted to be the perfect partner to Geist Sans. It is designed to be used in code editors, diagrams, terminals, and other textbased interfaces where code is represented.


Download the latest release from the releases page and install the fonts on your system.


The Geist font family is free and open sourced under the SIL Open Font License.


Geist has been influenced and inspired by the following typefaces: Inter, Univers, SF Mono, SF Pro, Suisse International, ABC Diatype Mono, and ABC Diatype. We thank the creators of these typefaces for their craft.