
UnivaqTelegramBot / UnivaqInformaticaBot

  • вторник, 15 марта 2016 г. в 02:14:17

A telegram bot that shares news of our university's department

Univaq Bot - Faculty of Computer Science

blog post

This is an unofficial telegram bot, for the University of L'Aquila.

It's built to provide a single and simple source of information for the the students of university of L'Aquila, in particular for the faculty of Computer Science (aka disim).

All the informations are scraped, parsed, stored and synchronised using a bunch of python scripts.

Start using it

You can start using the univaq telegram bot searching on telegram for @univaq_informatica_bot

How does it work

The telegram bot provides a series of functionalities that helps the students to stay updated with all the informations, news stuff about the university, without necessarily visit every time the university website, the univaq telegram bot does that for you !


As every telegram bot you can ask what does it provide using /help or even /start

La lista di comandi:

/help - Stampa questo messaggio
/news - Leggi le ultime 10 news
/news num - Leggi le ultime <num> news
/newson - Abilita le notifiche per ogni nuova news (default)
/newsoff - Disabilita le notifiche per ogni nuova news
/prof - Stampa la lista dei professori
/prof cognome - Info su un docente
/segreteria - Info sulla segreteria studenti
/mensa - Info sugli orari della mensa
/adsu - Info sull'adsu

The list of commands is to be updated. We could think on possible improvements and extensions


The univaq telegram bot provides also a push notification service. When a new unread news is published on the university website, univaq telegram bot reads it and sends you the push notification through telegram (the notification service could be activated/deactivated in any moment using the commands).


This is the website of univaq telegram bot


THIS PROJECT IS NOT OFFICIALLY AFFILIATED WITH UNIVAQ INSTITUTION It's an open source project built for didactic purposes