trekawek / coffee-gb
- пятница, 25 мая 2018 г. в 00:18:10
Gameboy emulator in Java 8.
Coffee GB is a Gameboy Color emulator written in Java 8. It's meant to be a development exercise. More info can be found in the blog post Why did I spend 1.5 months creating a Gameboy emulator?
The emulator can be build with Maven:
mvn clean package
The jar file will be available in the ./target
java -jar coffee-gb.jar [OPTIONS] ROM_FILE
Available options:
-d --force-dmg Emulate classic GB (DMG) for universal ROMs
-c --force-cgb Emulate color GB (CGB) for all ROMs
-b --use-bootstrap Start with the GB bootstrap
-db --disable-battery-saves Disable battery saves
--debug Enable debug console
--headless Start in the headless mode
Play with ←, ↑, ↓, →, Z, X, Enter, Backspace.
The Blargg's test ROMs are used for testing the compatibility. Tests can be launched from Maven using appropriate profile:
mvn clean test -Ptest-blargg
mvn clean test -Ptest-blargg-individual # for running "single" tests providing more diagnostic info
They are also part of the Travis-based CI.
The tests output (normally displayed on the Gameboy screen) is redirected to the stdout:
01:ok 02:ok 03:ok 04:ok 05:ok 06:ok 07:ok 08:ok 09:ok 10:ok 11:ok
Passed all tests
Coffee GB passes all the tests:
The Mooneye GB emulator comes with a great set of test ROMs. They can be used to test the Coffee GB as well. Use -Ptest-mooneye profile:
mvn clean test -Ptest-mooneye