
tikkid / JetbrainKiller

  • воскресенье, 24 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:06

A new tool for unlimited 30-day trial of JetBrains series software, supporting the latest version.

Note: The software is currently in Canary version and now supports Windows, MacOS, Linux. This software is only intended for technical communication. Do not use it for commercial purposes. PLEASE delete it within 24 hours after downloading. The author takes no responsibility for any issues that may arise.


  • Support for the latest version of Jetbrains software, such as AuqaCLionDataGripDataSpellGoLandIntelliJ IdeaPhpStormPyCharmRiderRubyMineRustRoverWebStorm and so on.
  • One-click reset - simple, fast and secure.



Normal Mode

Please close the Running Jetbrain Software before the following settings:

  • Windows: Run jetbrain_killer.exe and then input y.
  • MacOS: Run ./jetbrain_killer and then input y. And reboot your MacOS.
  • Linux: Run ./jetbrain_killer and then input y.

Silent Mode

Please close the Running Jetbrain Software before the following settings:

  • Windows: Run jetbrain_killer.exe force.
  • MacOS: Run ./jetbrain_killer force. And reboot your MacOS.
  • Linux: Run ./jetbrain_killer force.


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