
tidwall / fastlane

  • понедельник, 12 февраля 2018 г. в 03:15:54

Fast single-producer / single-consumer channels for Go


Build Status GoDoc

Fast single-producer / single-consumer channels for Go.

A fastlane channel works similar to a standard Go channel with the following exceptions:

  • It does not have a close method. A sender must send the receiver a custom close message.
  • It's unbounded and has no buffering. There's a lock-free list under the hood.
  • It expects to be communicating over a maximum of two goroutines. One for Send and one for Recv.

Getting Started


To start using fastlane, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u

This will retrieve the library.


There're only two functions Send and Recv.

// chan.go
package main

import ""

func main() {
	var ch fastlane.Chan

	go func() { ch.Send("ping") }()

	v := ch.Recv()
$ go run chan.go 

Channel types

There's currently three types of channels, Chan for interface{}, ChanUint64 for uint64, and ChanPointer for unsafe.Pointer.

The ChanUint64 and ChanPointer often perform better than the generic Chan and should be used when possible.

Here's a simple wrapper for creating a channel for sending a custom types as a pointer:

type MyType struct {
	Hiya string

type MyChan struct{ base fastlane.ChanPointer }

func (ch *MyChan) Send(value *MyType) {
func (ch *MyChan) Recv() *MyType {
	return (*MyType)(ch.base.Recv())
var ch MyChan

go func() { ch.Send(&MyType{Hiya: "howdy!"}) }()

v := ch.Recv()


The benchmark tests the speed of sending integers between two goroutines.

$ go test -run none -bench .

MacBook Pro 15" 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (darwin/amd64)

BenchmarkFastlaneChan-8       	30000000	        40.4 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan100-8          	20000000	        68.9 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan10-8           	20000000	        74.4 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChanUnbuffered-8   	10000000	       197 ns/op

Mac mini i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz (linux/amd64)

BenchmarkFastlaneChan-8       	20000000	        67.3 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan100-8          	10000000	       181 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan10-8           	 5000000	       223 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChanUnbuffered-8   	 5000000	       595 ns/op

Raspberry Pi 3 (linux/arm64)

BenchmarkFastlaneChan-4       	10000000	       213 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan100-4          	 3000000	       406 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan10-4           	 3000000	       578 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChanUnbuffered-4   	 1000000	      1405 ns/op

Raspberry Pi 3 (linux/arm)

BenchmarkFastlaneChan-4       	 5000000	       334 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan100-4          	 2000000	       669 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChan10-4           	 2000000	       936 ns/op
BenchmarkGoChanUnbuffered-4   	 1000000	      2370 ns/op


Josh Baker @tidwall


fastlane source code is available under the MIT License.