
themsaid / laravel-langman

  • понедельник, 4 апреля 2016 г. в 03:12:09

Language files manager in your artisan console.

Laravel Langman

Langman is a language files manager in your artisan console, it helps you search, update, add, and remove translation lines with ease. Taking care of a multilingual interface is not a headache anymore.


You'll need PHP 7.0+ to run this tool.

Begin by installing the package through Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

$ composer require themsaid/laravel-langman

Once done, add the following in the providers array of config/app.php:


This package has a single configuration option that points to the resources/lang directory, if only you need to change the path then publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Themsaid\Langman\LangmanServiceProvider"


Showing lines of a translation file

php artisan langman:show users

You get:

| key     | en            | nl          |
| name    | name          | naam        |
| job     | job           | baan        |

php artisan langman:show

Brings only the translation of the name key in all languages.

php artisan langman:show users.nam -c

Brings only the translation lines with keys matching the given key via close match, so searching for nam brings values for keys like (name, username, branch_name_required, etc...).

In the table returned by this command, if a translation is missing it'll be marked in red.

Finding a translation line

php artisan langman:find 'log in first'

You get a table of language lines where any of the values matches the given phrase by close match.

Search view files for missing translations

php artisan langman:sync

This command will look into your view files and find all translation keys that are not covered in your translation files, after that it appends those keys to the files with a value equal to an empty string.

Fill missing translations

php artisan langman:missing

It'll collect all the keys that are missing in any of the languages or has values equals to an empty string, prompt asking you to give a translation for each, and finally save the given values to the files.

Translating a key

php artisan langman:translate
php artisan langman:translate

In the first case it'll ask you to give a translation for the given key in all languages, in the second case it'll ask you only for the given language's value.

This command will add a new key if not existing, and updates the key if it is already there.

Removing a key

php artisan langman:remove

It'll remove that key from all language files.


langman:sync, langman:missing, langman:translate, and langman:remove updates your language files by writing them completely, meaning that any comments or special styling will get removed, so I recommend you backup your files.

Web interface

If you want a web interface to manage your language files instead, I recommend Laravel 5 Translation Manager by Barry vd. Heuvel.