sleexyz / hylogen
- среда, 8 июня 2016 г. в 03:12:12
Haskell EDSL for live-coding fragment shaders
Hylogen is a purely functional language embedded in Haskell for live-coding fragment shaders, featuring:
, *
, *^
, <.>
)It comes with hylide
, a live WebGL renderer with:
cabal update
cabal install hylogen
This will install the Hylogen package and hylide, the live renderer.
Here's a simple Hylogen program, saved as Example.hs
module Example where
import Hylogen.WithHylide
color :: Vec4
color = vec4 (a, a, a, 1)
k = 20
f = (*k) . sin . (/k)
a = sum [ cos (x_ uvN * f time + x_ mouse )
, sin (y_ uvN * f time + y_ mouse )
output :: Program
output = toProgram color
Run hylide:
$ hylide Example.hs
Now go to localhost:5678 in your browser. You'll see a live rendering of the generated GLSL:
void main() {
float _7 = uvN.x;
float _10 = (time / 20.0);
float _9 = sin(_10);
float _8 = (_9 * 20.0);
float _6 = (_7 * _8);
float _11 = mouse.x;
float _5 = (_6 + _11);
float _4 = cos(_5);
float _3 = (0.0 + _4);
float _15 = uvN.y;
float _18 = (time / 20.0);
float _17 = sin(_18);
float _16 = (_17 * 20.0);
float _14 = (_15 * _16);
float _19 = mouse.y;
float _13 = (_14 + _19);
float _12 = sin(_13);
float _2 = (_3 + _12);
vec4 _1 = vec4(_2, _2, _2, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = _1;
Hylide will recompile on file changes, sending fresh shaders to the WebGL context via websockets.
conceived of at the recurse center :)