List of awesome open source applications for macOS. This list contains a lot of native and cross-platform apps. The main goal of this repository is to find open source and free apps and start contributing.
You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
SBPlayer - SBPlayer is a beautiful and powerful media player base on VLCKit.
Aural Player - Aural Player is a free and open source audio player application for the macOS platform. Inspired by the classic Winamp player for Windows, it is designed to be to-the-point and easy to use.
Suohai - Audio input/output source lock for macOS.
LocalRadio - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices.
Iconizer - Create Xcode image catalogs (xcassets) on the fly.
PushNotitication - macOS app to test push notifications on iOS and Android.
Localizations - Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings).
AppBox - Tool for iOS developers to build and deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account.
Menubar Colors - macOS app for convenient access to the system color panel.
AppIcons - Tool for generating icons in all sizes as required by macOS and iOS apps.
Alloy - Simple toolkit that makes your iOS / OS X apps development more easier. - App for macOS which is designed to generate consistent sized icons of an existing application in various states, jiggling (shaking) etc.
Touch Bar Preview - Small open source app to display your designs on the Touch Bar of the new MacBook Pro.
LayerX - Intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
Board For GitHub - Small application to monitor your GitHub project web page in a native macOS app !
ResignTool - This is an app for macOS that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
FilterShop - macOS App to explore CoreImage Filters.
TransporterPad - iOS/Android app deployment tool for macOS.
iSimulator - iSimulator,iOS Simulator Sandbox,like simpholders,a macOS app to find simulator's sandbox and go.
Assets - Assets is a macOS app that manages assets for your developement projects (Xcode, web, etc).
ProfilesManager - Apple iOS/macOS Provisioning Profiles management,.provisionprofile, .mobileprovision files manager tool for mac.
AppStoreReviewTimes - iOS open source project for the great site that gives you indication about the average iOS / macOS app stores review times.
iSimulator - iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator.
PodsUpdater - macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
xib2Storyboard - Tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files.
Web development
Now Desktop - Create deployments right from the tray menu.
CoreOS VM - CoreOS VM is macOS status bar app which allows in an easy way to control CoreOS VM on your Mac.
Mockup Generator - Mockup Generator is a macOS app built with AngularJS/Electron that sits in your menu bar allowing you to capture screenshots of your favourite websites and wrap them in device mock-ups.
aws-s3-uploader - Simple macOS app for uploading files to Amazon Web Services.
stts - macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services.
Lantern - Dedicated Mac app for website auditing and crawling.
Corectl App for macOS - Corectl App is a macOS Status bar App which works like a wrapper around the corectl command line tool corectld to control the server runtime process.
LocalSites - Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for macOS listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks).
KubeMonitor - KubeMonitor is a macOS app that displays information about your active Kubernetes cluster in your menu bar.
iTunesConnect - macOS app to let you access iTunesConnect.
YouTube Downloader for macOS - Simple menu bar app to download YouTube movies on your Mac. I wrote this as a test project to learn more about app development on macOS.
Pillager - macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Objective-C
App Downloader - Easily search and download macOS apps from the huge homebrew cask app catalog.
Keyframes Player - Simple macOS app to preview animations created with Facebook's keyframes framework.
macGist - Simple app to send pasteboard items to GitHub's Gist. - macOS app that contains a full Ruby installation (for use with Ruby/Gosu).
Postbird - Open source PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS.
LuLu - LuLu is the free open source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
Platypus - Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts.
RktMachine - Menu bar macOS app for running rkt in a macOS hypervisor CoreOS VM.
Regxr - Regxr is a minimal, lightweight and beautiful macOS desktop application that allows for easy checking of regular expression pattern matching.
JSON Parsing
JSON Mapper - Simple macOS app to generate Swift Object Mapper classes from JSON.
JSONExport - Desktop application for macOS which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
j2s - macOS app to convert JSON objects into Swift structs (currently targets Swift 4 and Codable).
JSON-Splora - GUI for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON data.
Qilin Editor - Text editor for exact sciences with built-in KaTeX/AsciiMath support.
CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS.
ZeroBraneStudio - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight cross-platform Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, and debugging support for various Lua engines.
Imagine - Imagine is a desktop app for compression of PNG and JPEG, with a modern and friendly UI.
ImageAlpha - Mac GUI for pngquant, pngnq and posterizer.
WebPonize - WebPonize is a macOS App for converting PNG, JPEG, animated (or not) GIF images into WebP.
Quicksilver - Quicksilver is a fast and free macOS productivity application that gives you the power to control your Mac quickly and elegantly.
SelfControl - macOS app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
PDF Archiver - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
stretchly - Cross-platform electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
BeardedSpice - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards.
DisableMonitor - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
EtreCheck - EtreCheck is an easy-to-use macOS app to display important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard.
Fanny - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU temperature from your Notification Center.
gfxCardStatus - gfxCardStatus is an open source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand.
MenuMeters - CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS.
Noti - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet).
SlowQuitApps - Add a global delay to Command-Q to stop accidental app quits.
Übersicht - Keep an eye on what's happening on your machine and in the world.
The Unarchiver - The Unarchiver is an Objective-C application for uncompressing archive files.
Turbo Boost Switcher - Turbo Boost Switcher is a little application for Mac computers that allows to enable and/or disable the Turbo Boost feature.
AppPolice - App for macOS with a minimalistic UI which lets you quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process.
Clean-Me - Small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, ...).
Shifty - macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
Crypter - Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.
Sloth - Sloth is an OS X application that displays a list of all open files and sockets in use by all running applications on your system.
DatWeatherDoe - Simple menu bar weather app for macOS written in Swift.
iOScanX - Cocoa application for semi-automated iOS app analysis and evaluation.
Menubar Brightness - macOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
Night Shift Control - Night Shift Control is a simple macOS menubar app for controlling Night Shift. It's aim is to bring features from f.lux which are missing from Night Shift such as disabling Night Shift for certain apps.
CornerCal - Simple, clean calendar and clock app for macOS.
Latest - Small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
Overkill - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
Diagnostics - Diagnostics is an application displaying the diagnostic reports from applications on macOS.
VerticalBar - macOS application to add a vertical bar to Dock.
Specht - Rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS.
Yoda - Nifty osx application which enables you to browse and download videos from YouTube.
WebTorrent Desktop - Streaming torrent app. For Mac, Windows, and Linux.
MenuTube - Catch YouTube into your macOS menu bar!
QuickLook Video - This package allows macOS Finder to display thumbnails, static QuickLook previews, cover art and metadata for most types of video files.
AppleEvents - Unofficial Apple Events app for macOS.
Acid.Cam.v2.OSX - Acid Cam v2 for macOS distorts video to create art.
Gifted - Turn any short video into an animated GIF quickly and easily.
earth-wallpapers - Simple macOS menubar app which fetches latest photos from a subreddit.
500-mac-wallpaper - Simple macOS app for the status bar to automatically download photos from to a local folder that can be set as a source of wallpapers.