seiginonakama / BlockCanaryEx
- пятница, 12 мая 2017 г. в 03:14:11
make performance bottleneck detection easily when app blocked
a library for android which can help you to find heavy methods in your code when your app blocked, base on BlockCanary.
root build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath '' //version must >= 1.5.0
classpath 'com.letv.sarrsdesktop:BlockCanaryExPlugin:'
model build.gradle
apply plugin: 'blockcanaryex'
debugCompile 'com.letv.sarrsdesktop:BlockCanaryExJRT:'
releaseCompile 'com.letv.sarrsdesktop:BlockCanaryExJRTNoOp:'
testCompile 'com.letv.sarrsdesktop:BlockCanaryExJRTNoOp:'
init BlockCanaryEx before other method when your application created
public class TestApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
boolean isInSamplerProcess = BlockCanaryEx.isInSamplerProcess(this);
if(!isInSamplerProcess) {
BlockCanaryEx.install(new Config(this));
if(!isInSamplerProcess) {
//your code start here
done, now BlockCanaryEx be enabled when you app in debug mode.
BlockCanaryEx do method sample by inject MethodSampler into your code when compile time, the scope to inject MethodSampler is the src of your project and subProject by default. projectLocalDep, subProjectLocalDep, externalLibraries is ignored. If you want to change the scope to watch more method performance, you can do the config in gradle.
apply plugin: 'blockcanaryex'
block {
debugEnabled true //enable MethodSampler when debug mode, default true
releaseEnabled false //enable MethodSampler when release mode, default false
excludePackages = [] //exclude the package you don't want to inject MethodSampler, eg: ['', '']
excludeClasses = [] //exclude the class you don't want to inject MethodSampler
includePackages = [] //only include the package you want to inject MethodSampler, packages which don't included will not be injected
scope {
project true //inject MethodSampler for app project, default true
projectLocalDep false //inject MethodSampler for app libs(eg: .jar), default false
subProject true //inject MethodSampler for subProject of app project, default true
subProjectLocalDep false //inject MethodSampler for subProject libs, default false
externalLibraries false //inject MethodSampler external libs, default false
you also can override more Config method to customize BlockCanaryEx runtime
public class TestApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
BlockCanaryEx.install(new Config(this) {
* If need notification to notice block.
* @return true if need, else if not need.
public boolean displayNotification() {
return true;
* judge whether the loop is blocked, you can override this to decide
* whether it is blocked by your logic
* @param startTime in mills
* @param endTime in mills
* @param startThreadTime in mills
* @param endThreadTime in mills
* @param creatingActivity current creatingActivity class name, nullable
* @param isApplicationCreating is application creating
* @return true if blocked, else false
public boolean isBlock(long startTime, long endTime, long startThreadTime, long endThreadTime,
String creatingActivity, boolean isApplicationCreating) {
if(creatingActivity != null || isApplicationCreating) {
return (endTime - startTime) > 250L;
} else {
return (endTime - startTime) > 100L && (endThreadTime - startThreadTime) > 8L;
* judge whether the method is heavy method, we will print heavy method in log
* Note: running in none ui thread
* @param methodInfo {@link MethodInfo}
* @return true if it is heavy method, else false
public boolean isHeavyMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
return (methodInfo.getCostThreadTime() > 0L && methodInfo.getCostRealTimeMs() > 0L)
|| methodInfo.getCostRealTimeMs() > 2L;
* judge whether the method is called frequently, we will print frequent method in log
* Note: running in none ui thread
* @param frequentMethodInfo the execute info of same method in this loop {@link FrequentMethodInfo}
* @return true if it is frequent method, else false
public boolean isFrequentMethod(FrequentMethodInfo frequentMethodInfo) {
return frequentMethodInfo.getTotalCostRealTimeMs() > 1L && frequentMethodInfo.getCalledTimes() > 1;
* we will save block log to sdcard by default, if you want to disable this, just return false
* Warning: if save log disabled, new BlockInfo will not be displayed in DisplayActivity
* Note: running in none ui thread
* @return false to disable save log
public boolean enableSaveLog() {
return true;
* Path to save log, like "/blockcanary/", will save to sdcard if can. if we can't save log to sdcard (eg: no permission),
* else we will try to save to "${context.getExternalFilesDir("BlockCanaryEx")}${provideLogPath()}", if we failed too,
* we will save to "${context.getFilesDir()${provideLogPath()}"}"
* Note: running in none ui thread
* @return path of log files
public String provideLogPath() {
return "/blockcanaryex/" + getContext().getPackageName() + "/";
* Network type to record in log, you should impl this if you want to record this
* @return {@link String} like 2G, 3G, 4G, wifi, etc.
public String provideNetworkType() {
return "unknown";
* unique id to record in log, you should impl this if you want to record this
* @return {@link String} like imei, account id...
public String provideUid() {
return "unknown";
* Implement in your project.
* @return Qualifier which can specify this installation, like version + flavor.
public String provideQualifier() {
PackageInfo packageInfo = ProcessUtils.getPackageInfo(getContext());
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = getContext().getApplicationInfo();
if(packageInfo != null) {
return + "-" + packageInfo.versionName;
return "unknown";
* Block listener, developer may provide their own actions
* @param blockInfo {@link BlockInfo}
public void onBlock(BlockInfo blockInfo) {
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.