ronibandini / reggaetonBeGone
- понедельник, 26 февраля 2024 г. в 00:00:07
detects reggaeton style with Machine Learning and sends packets to disable BT speakers (hopefully)
Detects reggaeton musical genre with Machine Learning and sends packets to disable BT speakers (hopefully)
Raspberry Pi 3 DFRobot Oled 128x32 screen Push button Jumper cables
Model trained using Edge Impulse platform (free account for developers) Clone the repository, Deploy to Linux, ARM. Upload to Rpi, Change permissions to 744
Oled SDA -> Rpi GPIO 2 Oled SCL -> Rpi GPIO 3 Oled VCC -> Rpi VCC Oled GND -> Rpi GND
Button pin 1 -> GPIO26 Button pin 2 -> GND
Power supply: 5V 3A
Roni Bandini, @RoniBandini