A collection of software engineers that deserve to be in this collection. They are the most awesome programmers in history. Lets give them some respect.
Undoubtedly, there are some great candidates that I've overlooked. If you see a programmer, active today or from the past, that you think should be included submit a new issue.
Edgar F. Codd: The inventor of the relational model for database management, the theoretical basis for RDMS and co-creator of System R, the first implementation of the SQL database query language.
Charles W. Bachman: The designer of the linked-list data storage database Integrated Data Store, known to be one of the first database management systems and he is the organizer of the group CODASYL.
Raymond F. Boyce: The co-creator of the most popular database query language, SQL.
Jeff Dean: The co-author of the seminal paper of "big data" storage BigTable, the co-developer of the BigTable system, the co-author of the important paper for the "big data" operational model MapReduce and the co-author of the paper for a highly distributed database Spanner.
Sanjay Ghemawat: The co-author of the seminal paper of "big data" storage BigTable, the co-developer of the BigTable system, the co-author of the important paper for the "big data" operational model MapReduce, the co-author of the large cluster data system Google File System and the co-author of the paper for a highly distributed database Spanner.
Michael Stonebraker: The creator of one of the first implementations of the relational database model Ingres and the creator of the very popular relational database Postgres database.
Doug Cutting: The co-creator of the BigTable inspired, de-facto "big data" distributed file system and processing framework Hadoop.
Mike Cafarella: The co-creator of the BigTable inspired, de-facto "big data" distributed file system and processing framework Hadoop.
Avinash Lakshman: The co-creator of the Dynamo storage system which has played an influential role in the modern design of highly scalable databases. He is also the creator of the Cassandra distributed database system.
Werner Vogels: The co-creator of the Dynamo storage system which has played an influential role in the modern design of highly scalable databases.
Peter Chen: The creator of the Entity–relationship model which was a more familiar database design than earlier versions of relational models.
T. William Olle: He was an active developer in the CODASYL consortium that promoted effective data systems analysis, design and implementation.
C.Wayne Ratliff: The creator of dBase, originally named Vulcan, one of the first databases with a development environment on personal computers in the 1980s.
Malcolm Atkinson: One of the early pioneers of the Object database defining the core concepts in his paper Object-Oriented Database Manifesto.
Vern Watts: The creator of the IMS IBM hierarchical database system.
Donald E. Knuth: Help contribute to the development of algorithm analysis and help formalize algorithm techniques like asymptotic notation and knuth-bendix completion algorithm.
John Von Neumann: The inventor of the Merge Sort algorithm, an efficient and one of the most widely used sorting algorithms.
Leslie Lamport: The creator of the impactful Bakery algorithm which orders processes based on their arrival like a bakery providing "loop freedom" and improving safety for shared resources on multiple threads, the creator of the Paxos algorithm / protocol now considered to be the de-facto framework for designing consensus and agreement in a distributed computing system, and the creator of Lamport timestamps introduced through his well-cited paper "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System", .
Geoffrey Hinton: One of the first to demonstrate the use of Backpropagation algorithm to train multi-layer neural networks influencing the deep learning community.
Chi-Chih Andrew Yao: The author of complexity theory proof Yao's principle which "has become a fundamental technique for reasoning about randomized algorithms and complexity", the co-author of Dolev–Yao model, the author of important rules for Pseudorandom number generators, the author of the paper "On the security of public key protocols", the author of Yao's Millionaires' Problem and the author of the XOR-lemma technique.
Jon Bentley: The creator of the k-d tree space-partitioning data structure widely used for searching with multidimensional keys, and the creator of the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm.
Ron Rivest: The co-creator of one of the first and most widely used practical public-key cryptosystems RSA, the creator of the symmetric key encryption algorithms (RC2, RC4, RC5), and the creator of hash functions MD2, MD4, MD5 and MD6.
Leonard Adleman: The co-creator of one of the first and most widely used practical public-key cryptosystems RSA, and the author of the influential paper "Molecular Computation of Solutions To Combinatorial Problems" which introduced the concept of using DNA as a computational system.
Whitfield Diffie: The co-author of important cryptography paper "New Directions in Cryptography" introducing the Diffie–Hellman key exchange, one-way encoding functions using a public-key, which later inspired the practical implementation of RSA.
Martin Hellman: The co-author of important cryptography paper "New Directions in Cryptography" introducing the Diffie–Hellman key exchange, one-way encoding functions using a public-key, which later inspired the practical implementation of RSA.
Shafi Goldwasser: The co-creator of encryption algorithm Blum–Goldwasser cryptosystem which unlike RSA has been mathematically proven to be as hard to break as factoring, the co-creator of encryption algorithm Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem considered to be the first probabilistic public-key encryption scheme, the co-author of Zero-knowledge proof in the paper "The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems", and the co-definer of for proper constructions of Pseudorandom function family.
Michael O. Rabin: The creator of the Oblivious transfer protocol for transferring information from a sender to a receiver without knowing the pieces transferred.
Artificial Intelligence
Alan Turing: The father of artificial intelligence, the creator of the Turing Test standard for which a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior is measured, and pioneered concepts of machines computing according to a set of rules.
Marvin Minsky: Helped establish the principle concepts of artificial intelligence and co-founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI laboratory
John McCarthy: One of the founders for the discipline of artificial intelligence and coined the term "artificial intelligence".
Allen Newell: Along with Herbert A. Simon, helped build two of the earliest Artificial Intelligence programs, the Logic Theorist and the General Problem Solver.
Herbert A. Simon: Along with Allen Newell, helped build two of the earliest Artificial Intelligence programs, the Logic Theorist and the General Problem Solver.
Nathaniel Rochester: He is sometimes considered to be the founder in the academic field of artificial intelligence by organizing a group in IBM focused on the subject. This group later evolved into the Dartmouth Conferences, the seminal event in the artificial intelligence.
Edward Feigenbaum: The chief developer of the first expert systemDendral primarily used to explore induction in problems for the scientific commmunity.
Feng-hsiung Hsu: The creator of the IBM Deep Blue chess machine showing ability to defeat Grandmaster chess players in tournament play.
Raj Reddy: The co-creator of early robotic systems like the Hearsay 1 that demonstrated advanced language speaking, and co-creator of many innovative artificial intelligence systems like the "blackboard model".
Wally Feurzeig: The creator of the first intelligent computer-assisted instruction system "MENTOR" using a set of rules for problem-solving.
Frank Rosenblatt: The creator of the Mark 1 Perceptron neural network device generally recognized as a forerunner to artificial intelligence.
Andrew Ng: The co-founder of Google Brain research project where one of the first applications of the deep learning model was applied and the co-developer of Robot Operating System.
Jeff Dean: The co-founder of Google Brain research project which is used for Android's speech recognition system, photo search and video recommendations.
Judea Pearl: The creator of the highly important Bayesian networks probabilistic graphical model and the principal inference algorithms within the model. He is also the developer of a theory for casual inference.
Jacek Karpiński: The co-creator of one of the first machine learning algorithms for character and image recognition.
Richard Matthew Stallman: The creator of the GNU open source operating system, co-creator of the original Emacs text-editor also known as "GNUMACS", and the creator of the popular debugging tool GDB (GNU)
Marc Andreessen: The co-creator of the first widely used modern web browser Mosaic popularizing the world wide web.
Butler Lampson: The co-creator of the operating system, laser printer software, the first Ethernet and the Bravo WYSIWYG text editor for the first personal computer Xerox Alto.
Charles Thacker: The original designer, co-creator of the laser printer software and the first Ethernet for the first personal computer Xerox Alto.
Doug Cutting: The creator of the data search library Lucene and co-creator of the highly scalable web crawler Nutch.
Bill Joy: The creator of the Unix text editor vi, the creator of the C shell command-line interpreter, one of the earliest developers of BSD and co-creator of NFS Version 2.
Brian Kernighan: One of the original developers of the Unix operating system family, often credited to coin the name.
Dave Cutler: The co-creator of Windows NT operating system family which it's kernel is still the foundation of the modern Microsoft operating system.
Ian Murdock: The creator of one of the most popular Linux operating system distribution Debian.
Douglas McIlroy: The creator of Unix / Linux feature Pipeline that chains a sequence of process together with a pipe character, the creator of Unix based data comparison tool diff utility, and the creator of the Unix based listing command sort.
Russ Cox: The core developer of the Plan 9 operating system, and the core developer of the Go programming language.
Development Frameworks
Rod Johnson: The creator of the popular web application development framework for Java Spring.
Yehuda Katz: The co-creator of the Javascript application development framework Ember.js, the creator of Javascript templating tool handlebars, the co-creator of package management system for ruby bundler, and once a member of core development teams for "Jquery" and "Ruby on Rails".
Programming Languages
Dennis Ritchie: The creator of the C programming language, one of the most influential languages of all time.
Ken Thompson: The co-creator of the Go programming language and sole creator of the B programming language, the direct predecessor of the C programming language.
Alan J. Perlis: The co-creator ALGOL programming language andhelped standardize education of computer science and programming language design.
John McCarthy: The original developer of the Lisp programming language family, and significantly influenced the design of the ALGOL programming language.
Donald E. Knuth: The creator of the TeX computer typesetting system, the related METAFONT font definition language and rendering system, LR(k) grammars, and attribute grammars.
Brian Kernighan: The creator of the Unix text processing language AWK and the math computing language AMPL
Chris Lattner: The creator of the LLVM compiler infrastructure, the Clang front-end compiler and the Swift programming language.
James Gosling: The creator of the Oak programming language which later became Java
Niklaus Wirth: The creator of several important programming languages including Euler, Algol W, and the Pascal procedural programming language.
Konrad Zuse: The creator of the first high-level programming language Plankalkül originally created for his original and world's first programmable computer, the Z3.
Bjarne Stroustrup: The creator of C++, one of the most popular programming languages of all time.
Larry Wall: The creator of the Perl dynamic programming language popularized by its unsurpassed regular expression and string parsing abilities.
Don Syme: The creator of the F# programming language, and the creator of generics in .NET framework.
Anders Hejlsberg: One of the original authors of C#, Delphi Pascal dialet programming toolkit and the Typescript Javascript superset language.
Joe Armstrong: The creator of the Erlang functional programming language known for being well suited for systems that are distributed, fault tolerant, and concurrent.
Rob Pike: The co-creator of the Go programming language.
Alan Cooper: The creator of Visual Basic, a user-friendly programming language for Microsoft applications.
Seymour Papert: The co-creator of the Logo educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a turtle robot.
Cynthia Solomon: The co-creator of the Logo educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a turtle robot.
Wally Feurzeig: The co-creator of the Logo educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a turtle robot.
Jean Ichbiah: The creator of Ada, an object oriented programming language.
Kenneth E. Iverson: The creator of APL that lead innovations in array programming and contributing to the development of the functional programming paradigm.
Arthur Whitney: The creator of the programming language A+ and the creator of the programming language K.
Edsger W. Dijkstra: Led the Structured Programming movement helping set standards for quality software development and eliminating harmful practices like the GOTO statement. He also introduced the concepts of "recursion" and "stack" with the creation of ALGOL 60 compiler.
Alan Kay: He helped pioneer the idea of object-oriented programming and helped create the Smalltalk language originally used for graphical interfaces.
Maurice Wilkes: The designer of EDSAC, the first computer with an internally stored program. Also helped define concepts like microprogramming, symbolic labels and macros.
Tony Hoare: The author of influential paper "An axiomatic basis for computer programming", and the creator of the influential language Communicating sequential processes for describing patterns of interaction in concurrent systems.
Allen Newell: Along with Herbert Simon, he helped create Information Processing Language (IPL) which introduced the concept of list processing and often cited as the first functional programming language.
Herbert A. Simon: Along with Allen Newell, he helped create Information Processing Language and the Heuristic Compiler, the first system with capabilities for automatic programming.
Ivan Sutherland: The first to define the notion of "objects" and "instances" during the development of Sketchpad.
Peter Naur: The co-creator of the influential programming language Algol 60 introducing nested function with lexical scope, and the co-creator of the Backus-Naur form one of the main notation techniques for context free grammars used to describe syntax of programming languages.
Jean-Yves Girard: One of the discoverers of System F, the polymorphic lambda calculus that forms the theoretical basis for Haskell and ML.
John C. Reynolds: One of the discoverers of System F, the polymorphic lambda calculus that forms the theoretical basis for Haskell and ML.
Barbara Liskov: The co-creator of the important object-oriented subtyping definition Liskov substitution principle and the co-creator of CLU programming language that introduced key features like abstract data types, iterators and use of classes with constructors.
Robin Milner: The creator of ML functional programming language, the first language to use a polymorphic type inference alongside type-safe exception handling, and the creator of concurrency theory CCS (Calculus of communicating systems).
Grace Hopper: The inventor of the A-0 System, often considered as the first compiler but functioned as a loader for Assembly resulting to the development of higher level programming languages like COBOL.
John Backus: The co-creator of the first high-level compiled programming language FORTRAN and its compiler, often credited as being the first optimizing compiler and fully complete compiler.
Frances E. Allen: The author of the paper "Program Optimization" that laid the basis for systematic analysis of computer programs, the author of "Control Flow Analysis" that uses intervals to analyze data flow, and the co-author of the paper "A Catalog of Optimizing Transformations" which is one of the main analysis strategies used in optimizing compilers.
Nathaniel Rochester: The creator of the first assembler, translating assembly code into byte code for the first mass-produced computer that he also created, the IBM 701.
Lois Haibt: The co-creator of the first high-level compiled programming language FORTRAN and its compiler.
Alvy Ray Smith: He is the creator of HSB, the HSV color space, which is the most common model to represent RGB colors.
Ivan Sutherland: He is the creator of the revolutionary computer program Sketchpad, often known to be the first real-time graphical user interface and foundation for modern Computer-aided design and the creator of whats considered to be the first virtual reality head-mounted system The Sword of Damocles.
Douglas Engelbart: The creator of the revolutionary NLS that employed the first practical use of hypertext and a precursor of the graphical user interface.
Alan Kay: The creator of KiddiComp concept which became a profound influence to graphical user interfaces.
Larry Tesler: The co-creator of the Gypsy word processor with point and click ability, and the co-creator of "copy and paste" mechanism.
David Canfield Smith: The creator of the "Pygmalion" system that directly led to the concept of computer icons.
Bill Atkinson: The co-creator of the GUI for the Apple Lisa, the creator of the original drawing software MacPaint, and the creator of the QuickDraw graphics library.
Rob Pike: The co-creator of programmable bitmap graphics terminal Blit.
John Carmack: The video game creator of Doom and its 3D rendering engine Doom Engine who innovated in 3D graphics with the Carmack's reverse algorithm for shadow volumes.
William Fetter: The creator of the first human figure as a 3D model while exploring perspective fundamentals for computer graphics while the coining the term "computer graphics".
Alan Turing: The creator of the Turing machine also known as the "automatic machine" because of its ability to automate sets of mathematical operations at a time when computing process was all handled by humans. This important discovery led to the fundamental principles of modern computing directly inspiring most digital systems including the Von Neumann architecture.
Kurt Gödel: The creator of Gödel's incompleteness theorems often considered to be the foundation of theoretical computer science and inspiration to Turing and Church, the creator of universal formal languages and the limits of proof and computation, and the creator of the proof for axiomatized arithmetic to not be both logically consistent and complete in first-order predicate calculus.
John von Neumann: He created the universally important von Neumann architecture that describes the design for a digital computer that continues to be the basis of modern computers with breakthrough concepts like shared address space for memory. He also started the field of cellular automata and is considered to be the creator of the first computer virus while studying self-replicating programs.
Leslie Lamport: The creator of the industry standard Sequential consistency memory model, the creator of "Atomic and regular registers" that helps solve semantic problems when multiple resources interact to shared data, the creator of of distributed computing paradigm State machine replication for building fault-tolerance by coordinating commands across replicated servers, and the co-discoverer of the Byzantine fault tolerance failure definitions.
Alonzo Church: The creator of mathematical logic system and computation model to simulate single-taped Turing machines called Lambda Calculus, and the co-creator of the Church–Turing thesis formalizing the definitions of computable functions.
Claude Shannon: The author of seminal paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" which essentially founded the field of information theory and entropy, the creator of error-correcting schemes for communication channel bandwidth.
Ada Lovelace: The creator of mathematical operations for Charles Babbage's mechanical machines now recognized as being one of the first algorithms for a machine so is now considered to be one of the first computer programmers.
J. C. R. Licklider: The creator of concepts for modern-style interactive computing, and an early researcher at Arpanet for concepts of a connected network like the internet.
John Cocke: The creator of the Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architecture that optimized the basic set of computer instructions appropriately for the compiler to produce a high performance pipelined processor.
Fernando J. Corbató: The co-author of a paper that describes one of the earliest time-sharing computer systems CTSS (compatible time-sharing system) and the original creator of the influential time-sharing operating system Multics which pioneered many concepts widely adopted by almost all operating systems like Unix.
Per Brinch Hansen: The creator of the RC 4000 multiprogramming system introducing the concept of operating system kernels and microkernel architectures with the separation of policy and mechanism, the co-createor of the synchronization construct for threads with mutex and blocking ability known as the monitor, the first to implement a remote procedure call, and the creator of the "Distributed Processes" language for distributed systems using RPC for external requests.
Fred Brooks: The co-creator of the System 360 computer that introduced 8-bit byte addressing and first to emphasize the distinction of "system architecture" and implementation.
Vannevar Bush: The creator of what influenced hypertext, Memex, originally conceived to store compressed information.
Paul Baran: The co-creator of the packet switched computer network for an early prototype of internet technology at ARPANET.
Jean Bartik: The co-developer of early "stored program" computers and considered to be one of the first computer programmers, using the ENIAC, a vacuum tube computer during a time when "programming" meant using cables, dials, and switches to physically rewire the machine.
Kent Beck: The co-creator of software development methodology extreme programming to improve overall software quality, the co-founder of the "Agile Manifesto" and the agile software development paradigm, and credited to be the founder of Test-driven development.
Dave Thomas: The co-founder of the "Agile Manifesto" and coined the phrases "DRY" Don't repeat yourself which emphasizes to reduce the repetition of code or data in software.
Richard Hamming: Defined numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes
Nathan Marz: The author of the data-processing Lambda architecture designed to use stream-processing or batch processing to handle data at a large scale.
Eric Brewer: The original writer of the CAP theorem stating that a distributed computer system cannot simultaneously provide the guarantees Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance.
Protocols / Standards
Tim Berners-Lee: The creator of the World Wide Web, the creator of the HTTP data communication protocol, and the founder of the World Wide Web Consortium for internet standards.
Leslie Lamport: The creator of the Paxos consensus protocol now considered to be the de-facto framework for designing consensus and agreement in a distributed computing system, and the co-author of Byzantine agreement protocol that handle and avoid failures in distributed algorithms.
William Kahan: The primary architect behind the floating point computation standard IEEE 754-1985 which was the de-facto standard for implementation rules of floating points in software.
Butler Lampson: The creator of the two-phase commit protocol which coordinates the processes in a distributed atomic transaction on whether to commit or rollback the transaction.
Rob Pike: The co-designer of the character encoding standard UTF-8, capable of encoding all possible characters and is the most widely used encoding for HTML files.
Ken Thompson: The co-designer of the character encoding standard UTF-8, capable of encoding all possible characters and is the most widely used encoding for HTML files.
Analysis / Verification
James H. Wilkinson: Helped facilitate the use of the high-speed digital computer with numerical analysis and the developer of the "backward" error analysis for algorithms.
Edmund Melson Clarke: The co-creator of the field for Model-checking that introduced a machine executed system of temporal logic to verify the computer program's correctness, and the co-creator of a system that represents state spaces during model checking runtime called symbolic model checking.
Joseph Sifakis: The co-creator of the field for Model-checking that introduced a machine executed system of temporal logic to verify the computer program's correctness.
Jeffrey Ullman: He helped write several popular textbooks ranging from compilers, computational theory, data structures and databases including "the Dragon Book" and "the Cinderella Book".
Alfred Aho: He helped write several textbooks covering compilers and algorithms including industry classics like "the Dragon Book", and the Principles of Compiler Design.
Andy Hunt: The co-author of software development book The Pragmatic Programmer, the co-author of many books in the "Pragmatic Bookshelf" series, and the co-author of "Programming Ruby".
Dave Thomas: The co-author of software development book The Pragmatic Programmer, the co-author of many books in the "Pragmatic Bookshelf" series, and the co-author of "Programming Ruby".
Robert Cecil Martin: The author software development technique book "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship".
Scott Meyers: The author of book series "Effective C++".
Martin Fowler: The co-author of book that popularized agile software development "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code"
Petr Mitrichev: The winner of multiple TopCoder competitions, took 100 wins in a single round of TopCoder, winner of Russian Code Cup, winner of Facebook Hacker Cup, winner of Yandex algorithm competition, and winner of Google Code Jam.