Fika is a mod for SPT-Aki that allows you to play COOP with your friends. It utilizes a P2P-UDP connection for a modern and performant experience. The main goals of Fika are: performance, accuracy and mod-support. Fika is currently maintained by the Fika team.
You can join our Discord here!
You may only share Fika as long as proper credits are given, it is not used for commercial purposes and you do not modify it.
You may not monetize your server in terms of payments or donations.
You may not host massive public servers, Fika is meant for COOP with your friends.
You may not copy and/or replicate the code by Fika, nor may you use its assets that are handcrafted by our developers and artists.
Fika requires general knowledge of computers, networking and Aki. If you are not comfortable with these concepts, this project is not for you. Please try to understand and respect this.
Router and ISP that supports either Port Forwarding or UPnP
TCP port 6969 open for the AKI Server
UDP Port open for P2P traffic, default 25565 (if using UPnP this is not required)
SPT installed and working, matching the version of Fika you are going to use
Access to your Windows Firewall
Internet speed of at least 20 Mbit/s up and down is recommended. Each client averages around 400 kbit/s.
If you can not port forward, you can use a VPN like Hamachi, ZeroTier or Radmin.
Router and ISP that supports either Port Forwarding or UPnP | NOTE: This is only required if you will be hosting in-game
UDP Port open for P2P traffic, default 25565 (if using UPnP this is not required) | NOTE: Same as above
SPT installed and working, matching the version of Fika you are going to use
Access to your Windows Firewall
Internet speed of at least 20 Mbit/s up and down is recommended
The latest Fika files
Hardware Requirements
These are recommendations for a smooth experience:
CPU: i7 8700k / Ryzen 7 2700x
GPU: GTX 1060 / RX 580
Memory 16 GB minimum, 32 GB highly recommended
Storage: SSD is mandatory, do not expect support when running Fika on a HDD
The biggest gain in Fika (and in SPT in general) will be getting a stronger CPU and RAM.
Host using port forwarding
Before starting these steps, make sure you have port forwarded all required ports in the Prerequisites. We will not assist you with opening your ports. If do not have access to your router or can not port forward, use a VPN.
Firewall Configuration
Port forward the port 6969 TCP in your router (both in and out)
Port forward the UDP port that you will use in your router, default 25565 (both in and out)
When prompted by Windows, allow all connections in your Firewall
If you are still having problems, we suggest you allow EscapeFromTarkov.exe (everyone) and AKI.Server.exe (server host) for inbound and outbound connections in your Windows Advanced Firewall.
Navigate to user\mods\fika-server\assets\configs and open fika.jsonc
Change any of the settings according to your likings.
useBtr: if the BTR should spawn or not when playing Streets
friendlyFire: if friendly fire should be enabled or not
dynamicVExfils: automatically scale vehicle exfils max players with the amount of players in the raid
allowFreeCam: allow players to freely toggle free cam during raids
giftedItemsLoseFIR: if sent items should lose their FiR status
Start the Aki.Server.exe and wait for it to finish loading
This is what it should look like if it succeeded to start using the example IP in step 5:
Started webserver at
Started websocket at ws://
Server is running, do not close while playing SPT, Happy playing!!
Start Aki.Launcher.exe and click 'Settings'
In the URL field, change it to reflect your VPN IP. Using the example in step 5 it would be: (remember to remove any trailing forward slashes /)
Navigate to your SPT installation and extract the contents of the archive into the folder
Start Aki.Launcher.exe and click 'Settings'
In the URL field, change it to reflect the hosts WAN IP. For exampleit would be: (remember to remove any trailing forward slashes /)
If hosting in-game, allow all connections (public and private) when prompted by the Windows Firewall
Navigate to your SPT installation and extract the contents of the archive into the folder
Start Aki.Launcher.exe and click 'Settings'
In the URL field, change it to reflect the hosts VPN IP. Using the example in step 5 it would be: (remember to remove any trailing forward slashes /)
If hosting in-game, allow all connections (public and private) when prompted by the Windows Firewall
Features and Configuration
Features & How-To
Fika lets you to host P2P sessions with your friends to play COOP. The host is the one that controls most of the logic while playing, such as controlling AI, minefields, sniper zones, the BTR, etc. Each client is responsible for their own damage, both on themselves and on AI. This means that shooting an AI feels responsive and quick.
To host a game, choose a map and time, and then on the final screen click Host Raid. Select the amount of players that will be playing (including yourself) and wait for it to finish loading. Once it's ready other people can join your session, and when everyone has finished loading it will automatically start.
Other Features of Fika
Item Sending
Right-click an item in your stash to send it to another account
To open up your client configuration, press the F12 key while in-game. Head to the Fika Core section to configure the settings.
Show Notifications: Enable custom notifications when a player dies, extracts, kills a boss, etc.
Auto Extract: Automatically extracts when playing as a client instead of entering free camera.
Show Extract Message: Whether to show the extract message after dying/extracting.
Coop | Custom
Show Player Name Plates: Toggle Health-Bars & Names.
Show HP% instead of bar: Shows health in % amount instead of using the bar.
Show Player Faction Icon: Shows the player faction icon next to the HP bar.
Name Plate Scale: Size of the name plates.
Ping System: Toggle Ping System. If enabled you can receive and send pings by pressing the ping key.
Ping Button: Button used to send pings.
Ping Color: The color of your pings when displayed for other players.
Ping Size: The multiplier of the ping size.
Play Ping Animation: Plays the pointing animation automatically when pinging. Can interfere with gameplay.
Coop | Debug
Free Camera Button: Button used to toggle free camera.
Dynamic AI: Use the dynamic AI system, disabling AI when they are outside of any player's range.
Dynamic AI Range: The range at which AI will be disabled dynamically.
Dynamic AI Rate: How often DynamicAI should scan for the range from all players.
Culling System: Whether to use the culling system or not. When players are outside of the culling range, their animations will be simplified. This can dramatically improve performance in certain scenarios.
Culling Range: The range at which players should be culled.
Performance | Max Bots
Enforced Spawn Limits: Enforces spawn limits when spawning bots, making sure to not go over the vanilla limits. This mainly takes affect when using spawn mods or anything that modifies the bot limits.
Max BotsMAP: Max amount of bots that can be active at the same time on MAP. Useful if you have a weaker PC. Set to 0 to disable.
Native Sockets: NativeSockets for gameplay traffic. This uses direct socket calls for send/receive to drastically increase speed and reduce GC pressure. Only for Windows/Linux and might not always work.
Force IP: Forces the server when hosting to use this IP when broadcasting to the backend instead of automatically trying to fetch it. Leave empty to disable. This is required when using a VPN, use your personal VPN IP.
Force Bind IP: Forces the server when hosting to use this local IP when starting the server. Leave empty to disable. This is required when using a VPN, use your personal VPN IP.
Auto Server Refresh Rate: Every X seconds the client will ask the server for the list of matches while at the lobby screen.
UDP Port: Port to use for UDP gameplay packets.
Use UPnP: Attempt to open ports using UPnP. Useful if you cannot open ports yourself but the router supports UPnP.
Head Damage Multiplier: X multiplier to damage taken on the head collider. 0.2 = 20%
Armpit Damage Multiplier: X multiplier to damage taken on the armpits collider. 0.2 = 20%
Server Configuration
The server configuration can be found in the user\mods\fika-server\assets\configs folder. Open up fika.jsonc with a text editor.
"client": {
"useBtr": true, // if the BTR should spawn on streets, default: true"friendlyFire": true, // if friendly fire is enabled, default: true"dynamicVExfils": false, // if vehicle exfils should scale to the amount of players in raid rather than default to 4, default: false"allowFreeCam": false, // if the free cam can be toggled freely, default: false"allowItemSending": true// if item sending should be enabled, default: true
"server": {
"giftedItemsLoseFIR": true// if sent items should lose their FiR status, default: true