
platypusguy / jacobin

  • воскресенье, 27 августа 2023 г. в 00:00:11

A more than minimal JVM written in Go and capable of running Java 17 classes.

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A more-than-minimal JVM written in Go.


Intended feature set:

  • Java 17 functionality, but...
  • No JNI (Oracle intends to replace it; see JEP 389)
  • No security manager (Oracle intends to remove it; see JEP 411)
  • No JIT
  • Somewhat less stringent bytecode verification
  • Does not enforce Java 17's sealed classes

What we've done so far and what we need to do:

Command-line parsing

  • Gets options from the three environment variables. Details here
  • Parses the command line; identify JVM options and application options
  • Responds to most options listed in the java -help output

To do:

  • Handling @files (which contain command-line options)
  • Parsing complex classpaths

Class loading

  • Correctly reads and parses most classes
  • Extracts bytecode and parameters needed for execution
  • Automated pre-loading of core Java classes (Object, etc.)
  • java.*, javax.*, jdk.*, sun.* classes are loaded from the JAVA_HOME directory (i.e., from JDK binaries)
  • Handles JAR files

To do:

  • Handle more-complex classes
  • Handle interfaces
  • Handle inner classes

Verification, Linking, Preparation, Initialization

  • Performs format check of class file.
  • Linking, preparation, and initialization -- minimally and only as needed at execution time

To do:

  • Verification
  • Robust preparation and initialization


  • Execution of bytecode ✏️ The primary focus of current coding work
    190 bytecodes fully operational, including one- and multi-dimensional arrays

To do:

  • invokedynamic
  • Calls to superclasses
  • Inner and nested classes
  • Exception-tree walking
  • Annotations


  • Instruction-level tracing (use -trace:inst to enable this feature)
  • Extensive logging data (use -verbose:finest to enable. Caveat: this produces a lot of data)

To do:

  • Emit instrumented data to a port, for reading/display by a separate program.

Garbage Collection

GC is handled by the golang runtime, which has its own GC

Understanding the Code

A detailed roadmap to the code base can be found in the wiki.


The project's home page carries a lengthy note at the bottom that expresses our thanks to vendors and programmers who have made the Jacobin project possible. They are many and we are deeply grateful to them.