🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. Supports Redis >= 2.6.12. Completely compatible with Redis 7.x. Features ioredis is a robust, full-featured Redis client that is used in the world's biggest online commerce company Alibaba and many other awesome companies. Full-featured. It supports Cluster, Sentinel, Streams, Pipelining, and of course Lua scripting, Redis Functio…
7 Lessons, Kick-start Your Cybersecurity Learning. 🚀 Cybersecurity for Beginners – a curriculum This course is designed to teach you fundamental cyber security concepts to kick-start your security learning. It is vendor agnostic and is divided into small lessons that should take around 30-60 mins to complete. Each lesson has a small quiz and links to further reading if you want to dive into the topic a bit more. What this course covers 📚 🔐 Basic cyber security concepts such as the CIA tr…
Implementation of "BitNet: Scaling 1-bit Transformers for Large Language Models" in pytorch BitNet PyTorch Implementation of the linear methods and model from the paper "BitNet: Scaling 1-bit Transformers for Large Language Models" Paper link: BitLinear = tensor -> layernorm -> Binarize -> abs max quantization -> dequant "The implementation of the BitNet architecture is quite simple, requiring only the replacement of linear projections (i.e., nn.Linear in PyTorch) in th…
Xeno-RAT is an open-source remote access tool (RAT) developed in C#, providing a comprehensive set of features for remote system management. Has features such as HVNC, live microphone, reverse proxy, and much much more!Xeno Rat Xeno Rat is a remote access tool (RAT) that is used to control a computer remotely. It is written in C# and is compatible with Windows 10, 11. It is meant to stable, completely open source, easy to use and has a lot of features. What Sets Xeno Rat Apart Xeno Rat stan…
A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.Pingora What is Pingora Pingora is a Rust framework to build fast, reliable and programmable networked systems. Pingora is battle tested as it has been serving more than 40 million Internet requests per second for more than a few years. Feature highlights Async Rust: fast and reliable HTTP 1/2 end to end proxy TLS over OpenSSL or BoringSSL gRPC and websocket proxying Graceful reload Customizable load balancing and failover s…
Хак-группы Black Basta и Bl00dy присоединились к массовым атакам, направленным на серверы ScreenConnect, уязвимые перед свежими багами под общим названием SlashAndGrab.
Хак-группа Mogilevich утверждает, что взломала компанию Epic Games, похитив 189 ГБ данных, включая email-адреса, пароли, полные имена, платежные данные, исходные коды и так далее. Представители Epic Games сообщили СМИ, что не обнаружили никаких доказательств взлома и кражи данных.
Злоумышленники используют старый редактор, прекративший свое существование 14 лет назад, для компрометации сайтов образовательных и государственных учреждений по всему миру. Затем взломанные ресурсы используются для отравления поисковой выдачи (SEO Poisoning), а также продвижения мошеннических и скамерских сайтов.
Владельцы 3D-принтеров Anycubic массово сообщают, что кто-то взломал их устройства и оставил записку с предупреждением о том, что принтеры уязвимы для атак. Неизвестный доброжелатель рекомендует пользователям отключить устройства от интернета.