
OpenPipe / OpenPipe

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:10

Turn expensive prompts into cheap fine-tuned models



Turn expensive prompts into cheap fine-tuned models.

License Apache-2.0 PRs Welcome GitHub commit activity GitHub closed issues Y Combinator S23

Hosted App - Running Locally - Experiments

Use powerful but expensive LLMs to fine-tune smaller and cheaper models suited to your exact needs. Evaluate model and prompt combinations in the playground. Query your past requests and export optimized training data. Try it out at or run it locally.


  • Experiment

    • Bulk-test wide-reaching scenarios using code templating.
    • Seamlessly translate prompts across different model APIs.
    • Tap into autogenerated scenarios for fresh test perspectives.
  • Fine-Tune (Beta)

    • Easy integration with OpenPipe's SDK in both Python and JS.
    • Swiftly query logs using intuitive built-in filters.
    • Export data in multiple training formats, including Alpaca and ChatGPT, with deduplication.

fine-tune demo

Sample Experiments

These are sample experiments users have created that show how OpenPipe works. Feel free to fork them and start experimenting yourself.

Supported Models



Llama2 Fine-Tunes


Running Locally

  1. Install Postgresql.
  2. Install NodeJS 20 (earlier versions will very likely work but aren't tested).
  3. Install pnpm: npm i -g pnpm
  4. Clone this repository: git clone
  5. Install the dependencies: cd openpipe && pnpm install
  6. Create a .env file (cp .env.example .env) and enter your OPENAI_API_KEY.
  7. Update DATABASE_URL if necessary to point to your Postgres instance and run pnpm prisma migrate dev to create the database.
  8. Create a GitHub OAuth App and update the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET values. (Note: a PR to make auth optional when running locally would be a great contribution!)
  9. Start the app: pnpm dev.
  10. Navigate to http://localhost:3000

Testing Locally

  1. Copy your .env file to .env.test.
  2. Update the DATABASE_URL to have a different database name than your development one
  3. Run DATABASE_URL=[your new datatase url] pnpm prisma migrate dev --skip-seed --skip-generate
  4. Run pnpm test