
Okazari / Rythm.js

  • пятница, 8 сентября 2017 г. в 03:15:00

A javascript library that makes your page dance.

<♫/> Rythm.js - v2.1.0

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Demo at :

A javascript library that makes your page dance.

Getting started

Install with npm

npm install rythm.js


Good old way

Import rythm into your page

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/rythm.min.js"></script>

Add one of the rythm css classes to indicate which element will dance.

<div class="rythm-bass"></div>

Create a Rythm object and give it your audio url then use the start function.

var rythm = new Rythm();

ES6 module

import Rythm from 'rythm.js'
const rythm = new Rythm();

API Documentation

Rythm object

var rythm = new Rythm();

/* The starting scale is the minimum scale your elements will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse));
 * Value in percentage between 0-1
 * Default 0.75
rythm.startingScale = value;

/* The pulse ratio is be the maximum additionnal scale your element will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse))
 * Value in percentage between 0-1
 * Default 0.30
rythm.pulseRatio = value;

/* The max value history represent the number of passed value that will be stored to evaluate the current pulse.
 * Int value, minimum 1
 * Default 100
rythm.maxValueHistory = value;

/* Set the music the page will dance to.
 * @audioUrl : '../example/mysong.mp3'

/* Used to collaborate with other players library
 * You can connect Rythm to an audioElement, and then control the audio with your other player

/* Adjust music's gain.
 * @value : Number

/* Add your own rythm-class
 * @elementClass: Class that you want to link your rythm to.
 * @danceType : Use any of the build in effect or give your own function;
 * @startValue: The starting frequence of your rythm.
 * @nbValue: The number of frequences of your rythm.
 * 1024 Frequences, your rythm will react to the average of your selected frequences.
 * Exemples : bass 0-10 ; medium 150-40 ; high 500-100
rythm.addRythm(elementClass, danceType, startValue, nbValue);

/* Plug your computer microphone to rythm.js
 * This function return a promise resolved when the microphone is up.
 * Require your website to be run in HTTPS

//Let's dance

//Stop the party

Build in classes with "pulse" effect

  • rythm-bass
  • rythm-medium
  • rythm-high


You can use the addRythm function to make your own classes listen to specifics frequences. Here is how the basics classes are created :

  • addRythm('rythm-bass','pulse',0,10);
  • addRythm('rythm-medium','pulse',150,40);
  • addRythm('rythm-high','pulse',500,100);

Availables dance types

For more control of theses dance types, you can give a configuration object as last argument to addRythm

addRythm('rythm-high', 'shake', 500, 100, { direction:'left', min: 20, max: 300});

Here are the build in dances and their options

  • pulse
    • min : Minimum value given to transform: scale(). Default: 0.75
    • max : Maximum value given to transform: scale(). Default: 1.25
  • jump
    • min : Minimum value given to transform: translateY(). Default: 0
    • max : Maximum value given to transform: translateY(). Default: 30
  • shake
    • min : Minimum value given to transform: translateX(). Default: -15
    • max : Maximum value given to transform: translateX(). Default: 15
    • direction : left for a right to left move, right for a left to right move. Default: right
  • twist
    • min : Minimum value given to transform: rotate(). Default: -20
    • max : Maximum value given to transform: rotate(). Default: 20
    • direction : left for a right to left move, right for a left to right move. Default: right
  • vanish
    • min : Minimum value (between 0 and 1) given to opacity. Default: 0
    • max : Maximum value (between 0 and 1) given to opacity. Default: 1
    • reverse : Boolean to reverse the effect. Default false (Higher the pulse is, the more visible it will be)
  • color
    • from : Array of integer between 0 and 255 corresponding to a RGB color. Default: [0,0,0]
    • to : Array of integer between 0 and 255 corresponding to a RGB color. Default: [255,255,255]

To see each visual effect, you can go to the Demo

Custom dance type

If you want to use your own dance type, you can give a function as the 2nd argument of addRythm

/* The custom function signature is :
 * @elem: The HTML element target you want to apply your effect to
 * @value: The current pulse ratio (percentage between 0 and 1)
 * @options: The option object user can give as last argument of addRythm function
const pulse = (elem, value, options = {}) => {
  const max = options.max || 1.25
  const min = options.min || 0.75
  const scale = (max - min) * value = `scale(${min + scale})`

addRythm('my-css-class', pulse, 150, 40)


  • Your HTML can dance by using any of the available dance types
  • You can use custom functions to build you own dance type (and if it looks awesome ! Feel free to make a PR ;) )


Any pull request will be apreciated. You can start coding on this project following this steps :

  • Fork the project
  • Clone your repository
  • run npm install
  • run npm start in the main folder to launch a development webserver.
  • Enjoy the rythm.

Adding new dance type

In v2.0.x adding a new dance type is pretty easy

  • Create a new file in src\dances
  • This file must export your custom dance type function

For example, here is the content of jump.js file

/* The function signature is :
 * @elem: The HTML element target you want to apply your effect to
 * @value: The current pulse ratio (percentage between 0 and 1)
 * @options: The option object user can give as last argument of addRythm function
export default (elem, value, options = {}) => {
  const max = options.max || 30
  const min = options.min || 0
  const jump = (max - min) * value = `translateY(${-jump}px)`
  • Import it and register it into the constructor of Dancer.js file
import jump from './dances/jump.js'
class Dancer {
  constructor() {
    this.registerDance('jump', jump)
  • Commit it and create a PR. Then look at everyone enjoying your contribution :) !

Licence : GNU GPL

Author: @OkazariBzh