nvim-tree / nvim-web-devicons
- понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:13
lua `fork` of vim-web-devicons for neovim
Nerd fonts moved some symbols with version 3.0. Version 2.3 is meant for transition, supporting both version 2 and version 3 icons.
Nvim-web-devicons requires version 2.3 or above to work properly. If you are unable to update please use your plugin manager to pin version of nvim-web-dev icons to nerd-v2-compat
A lua
fork of vim-devicons. This plugin provides the same icons as well as colors for each icon.
Light and dark color variants are provided.
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'
or with packer.nvim
use 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'
Light or dark color variants of the icons depend on &background
The variant is updated:
event for background
, orrequire("nvim-web-devicons").refresh()
.However, be advised that the plugin using nvim-web-devicons may have cached the icons.
This adds all the highlight groups for the devicons
i.e. it calls vim.api.nvim_set_hl
for all icons
this might need to be re-called in a Colorscheme
to re-apply cleared highlights
if the color scheme changes
require'nvim-web-devicons'.setup {
-- your personnal icons can go here (to override)
-- you can specify color or cterm_color instead of specifying both of them
-- DevIcon will be appended to `name`
override = {
zsh = {
icon = "",
color = "#428850",
cterm_color = "65",
name = "Zsh"
-- globally enable different highlight colors per icon (default to true)
-- if set to false all icons will have the default icon's color
color_icons = true;
-- globally enable default icons (default to false)
-- will get overriden by `get_icons` option
default = true;
-- globally enable "strict" selection of icons - icon will be looked up in
-- different tables, first by filename, and if not found by extension; this
-- prevents cases when file doesn't have any extension but still gets some icon
-- because its name happened to match some extension (default to false)
strict = true;
-- same as `override` but specifically for overrides by filename
-- takes effect when `strict` is true
override_by_filename = {
[".gitignore"] = {
icon = "",
color = "#f1502f",
name = "Gitignore"
-- same as `override` but specifically for overrides by extension
-- takes effect when `strict` is true
override_by_extension = {
["log"] = {
icon = "",
color = "#81e043",
name = "Log"
Get the icon for a given file by passing in the name
, the extension
and an optional options table
The name is passed in to check for an exact match e.g. .bashrc
if there is no exact name match the extension
is used. Calls .setup()
if it hasn't already ran.
require'nvim-web-devicons'.get_icon(filename, extension, options)
The optional options
argument can used to change how the plugin works the keys include
default = <boolean>
and strict = <boolean>
. If the default key is set to true this
function will return a default if there is no matching icon. If the strict key is set
to true this function will lookup icon specifically by filename, and if not found then
specifically by extension, and fallback to default icon if default key is set to true.
require'nvim-web-devicons'.get_icon(filename, extension, { default = true })
You can check if the setup function was already called with:
differs from get_icon
only in the second return value.
returns cterm color instead of gui color
returns icon and highlight name.
If you want to get color code, you can use this function.
local icon, color = require'nvim-web-devicons'.get_icon_color("init.lua", "lua")
assert(icon == "")
assert(color == "#51a0cf")
It is possible to get all of the registered icons with the get_icons()
This can be useful for debugging purposes or for creating custom highlights for each icon.
You can override individual icons with the set_icon({...})
require("nvim-web-devicons").set_icon {
zsh = {
icon = "",
color = "#428850",
cterm_color = "65",
name = "Zsh"
You can override the default icon with the set_default_icon(icon, color, cterm_color)
require("nvim-web-devicons").set_default_icon('', '#6d8086', 65)
You can get the icon and colors associated with a filetype using the by_filetype
require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon_by_filetype(filetype, opts)
require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon_colors_by_filetype(filetype, opts)
require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon_color_by_filetype(filetype, opts)
require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon_cterm_color_by_filetype(filetype, opts)
These functions are the same as their counterparts without the _by_filetype
suffix, but they take a filetype instead of a name/extension.
You can also use get_icon_name_by_filetype(filetype)
to get the icon name associated with the filetype.
PRs are always welcome! Please see CONTRIBUTING