An implementation of the famous BKKCrypt algorithm. Community contribution for other languages is highly appreciated.
An implementation of the famous BKKCrypt algorithm.
If you wish to contribute check
A few of our contributors:
- fatalaa (D)
- Paydogs (Objective-C, Pascal)
- moszinet (Javascript)
- rolandh (ES6, JSFuck, Scratch, ChuckScript)
- Skarlso (C++)
- akoskovacs (Ruby, Assembly, Haskell, Erlang, Brainfuck)
- pehsa (Batch, PowerShell, Python)
- PumpkinSeed (Go)
- takacsbi (SQL, Basic, Eiffel)
- fugafree (Scala, QBasic)
- bigblog (Perl)
- daroczig (R)
- kisPocok (LOLCODE)
- balinabbb (F#)
- gcsizmadia (ArnoldC)
- RazorSh4rk (Smalltalk, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)fuck)
- peppierre (COBOL, FORTRAN-77, FORTRAN-II)
- Yitsushi (AWK, COBOL, Julia, Tcl)
- Nekomajin42 (Excel)
- bsh (VBA, Tcl, Elixir, Logo)
- balint933 (GEMBASE)
- JohnWeisz (TypeScript)
- sinous (AppleScript)
- kekefigure (VB.NET)
- Veninger (C#)
- GT (PHP)