
mono0926 / LicensePlist

  • воскресенье, 14 мая 2017 г. в 03:13:13

LicensePlist is a script that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually or using Carthage or CocoaPods. All these licenses then show up in the Settings app.

LicensePlist Logo LicensePlist

platforms GitHub license Language: Swift Swift Package Manager compatible

LicensePlist is a script that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually(specified by YAML config file) or using Carthage or CocoaPods. All these licenses then show up in the Settings app.

App Setting Root License List License Detail


Download the executable binary from Releases

Download from Releases, then copy to /usr/local/bin/license-plist etc.

From Source

Clone the master branch of the repository, then run make install.

$ git clone
$ make install

Or you can also install by one-liner.

curl -fsSL | sh
  • Homebrew: Not supported yet.


  1. On the directory same as Cartfile or Pods, simply execute license-plist.
  2. com.mono0926.LicensePlist.Output directory will be generated.
  3. Move the files in the output directory into your app's Settings.bundle.
├── Root.plist
├── com.mono0926.LicensePlist
│   ├── APIKit.plist
│   ├── Alamofire.plist
│   └── EditDistance.plist
├── com.mono0926.LicensePlist.plist
├── en.lproj
│   └── Root.strings
└── ja.lproj
    └── Root.strings


You can see options by license-plist --help.


  • Default: Cartfile


  • Default: Pods


  • Default: com.mono0926.LicensePlist.Output
  • Recommended: --output-path YOUR_PRODUCT_DIR/Settings.bundle


  • Default: None.
  • LicensePlist uses GitHub API, so sometimes API limit error occures, so by using github-token you can avoid it.
  • You can generate token here
    • repo scope is needed.


  • Default: license_plist.yml
  • You can specify GitHub libraries(introduced by hand) and excluded libraries


  • Default: false
  • LicensePlist saves latest libraries, so if there are no libraries change, iterrupt.
    • In this case, excecution time is less than 100ms for the most case, so you can run LicensePlist at Build - Pre-actions every time 🎉
  • You can run all the way anyway, by using --force flag.


  • Default: false
  • When the library name is SomeLibrary, by adding --add-version-numbers flag, the name will be changed to SomeLibrary (X.Y.Z).
    • X.Y.Z is parsed from CocoaPods and Cartfile information, and GitHub libraries specified at Config YAML also support this flag.

License list with versions

Integrate into build

Add Run Script to Build - Pre-actions:

if [ $CONFIGURATION = "Debug" ]; then
/usr/local/bin/license-plist --output-path $PRODUCT_NAME/Settings.bundle


How to generate Xcode project?

Execute swift package generate-xcodeproj or make xcode.