Melledy / LunarCore
- четверг, 30 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:15
A game server reimplementation for version 1.5.0 of a certain turn-based anime game for educational purposes. For any extra support, questions, or discussions, check out our discord.
./gradlew jar
in your server directoryConfig
, TextMap
, and ExcelBin
folders from and place them into your resources folder.Config
folder from and place them into your resouces folder. REPLACE any files that your system asks about. These are for world spawns and are quite important for the -jar LunarCore.jar
from your system terminal. Lunar Core comes with a built-in internal MongoDB server for its database, so no Mongodb installation is required. However, it is highly recommended to install Mongodb anyway.autoCreateAccount
set to true in the config, then you can skip creating an account. Otherwise, use the /account
command in the server console to create one.ignore server certificate errors
is checked as well.import System;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import Fiddler;
import System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Handlers
static function OnBeforeRequest(oS: Session) {
if ("") ||"") ||"") ||"")) { = "localhost"; // This can also be replaced with another IP address.
Server commands can be run in the server console or in-game. There is a dummy user named "Server" in every player's friends list that you can message to use in-game commands.
/account {create | delete} [username] (reserved player uid). Creates or deletes an account.
/avatar lv(level) p(ascension) r(eidolon) s(skill levels). Sets the current avatar's properties
/clear {relics | lightcones | materials | items}. Removes filtered items from the player inventory.
/gender {male | female}. Sets the player gender.
/give [item id] x[amount]. Gives the targetted player an item.
/giveall {materials | avatars}. Gives the targeted player items.
/help. Displays a list of available commands.
/mail [content]. Sends the targeted player a system mail.
/permission {add | remove | clear} [permission]. Gives/removes a permission from the targeted player.
/reload. Reloads the server config.
/scene [scene id] [floor id]. Teleports the player to the specified scene.
/spawn [monster/prop id] x[amount] s[stage id]. Spawns a monster or prop near the targeted player.
/unstuck @[player id]. Unstucks an offline player if theyre in a scene that doesnt load.
/worldlevel [world level]. Sets the targeted player's equilibrium level.
/refill. Refills your skill points in open world.