LazoCoder / Pokemon-Terminal
- четверг, 8 июня 2017 г. в 03:11:51
Pokemon terminal themes for iTerm2.
Sample Set #1 | Sample Set #2 |
# Pokemon Installation
git clone $HOME/.Pokemon-Terminal
echo PATH="$HOME/.Pokemon-Terminal:${PATH}" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
$ pokemon pikachu
pokemon [parameter]
[name] - Change the terminal background to the specified Pokemon.
[index] - Change the terminal background to a Pokemon by its index.
[region] - List all the Pokemon of the specified region.
[one letter] - List all Pokemon who's names begin with a particular letter.
[two letters] - List all Pokemon who's names begin with those two letters.
Other Parameters:
pokemon all - List all the Pokemon supported.
pokemon regions - List all the available regions.
pokemon extra - List all the Pokemon from the 'Extra' folder.
pokemon random - Change the terminal background to a random Pokemon.
pokemon ? - Identify the current Pokemon in the terminal.
pokemon _pikachu - Change the wallpaper to the specified Pokemon.
pokemon _random - Change the wallpaper to a random Pokemon.
pokemon _? - Identify the current Pokemon in the wallpaper.
pokemon slideshow - Iterate through each Pokemon.
pokemon slideshow-kanto - Iterate through each Pokemon in the specified region.
pokemon help - Display this menu.
I highly suggest making the font colors black and the terminal window transparent. Some of the images have both light and dark colours and so it can be difficult to see the text sometimes. Transparency resolves this issue. Since Pokemon Terminal only changes the background, the transparency must be done manually:
The result should look like this:
The folder Images/Extra is for adding custom images. You can manually add backgrounds to this folder and they will be visible to the program. Only PNG format is supported. To see a list of all the custom backgrounds type:
$ pokemon extra
Alternatively, you can delete images from this folder and it will not break the program. These are some custom backgrounds:
If you experience a line at the top of the terminal after changing the Pokemon, you can remove it by typing in the clear command or opening a new terminal.
I have not yet implemented a way to save the background to a profile. To save a background you will need to setup a startup command in the profile.