
kren1 / tosheets

  • воскресенье, 19 ноября 2017 г. в 03:14:34

Send your stdin to google sheets

A simple command line utility that sends your stdin to sheets.

Available on pip by pip install tosheets (python3+ only)

NOTE: On first use, tosheets will open a browser window to authorize OAuth2 token.

Using tosheets

Given a google sheets spreadsheet

You can send stdin to the spreadsheet. For example to send sequence from 1 to 10 to a column starting at B4:

seq 1 10 | tosheets -c B4 --spreadsheet sample-spread-sheet-id-23sdf32543fs

Alternatively to send a matrix

1 2
3 4

To the same location:

echo '1 2\n3 4' | tosheets -c B4 --spreadsheet=1xF8oFP-QYgPV0AF0dzYSQe9PYj6BWlLanh_0Vc33JFc

To sheets has a variety of other options listed:

tosheets, send stdin to your google sheets

  tosheets -c <cell>  [-s <sheet>] [--spreadsheet=<spreadsheet>] [-d <delimiter>]
  tosheets (-h | --help)
  tosheets --version

  -h --help                     Prints help.
  --version                     Show version.
  -c CELL                       Start appending to CELL.
  -s SHEET                      Use sheet name SHEET, otherwise tries to use 
                                TOSHEETS_SHEET (default: first visible sheet). 
  -d DELIMITER                  Use DELIMITER to split each line (default: whitespace).
  --spreadsheet=<spreadsheet>   Send to the spreadsheet identified by spreadshetId 
                                if empty uses TOSHEETS_SPREADSHEET enviroment variable.


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