kennethreitz / awesome-coins
- среда, 13 сентября 2017 г. в 10:17:17
₿ A guide (for humans!) to cryto-currencies and their algos.
There are many algorithms used in many different crypto–currencies. This document serves to provide a simple map to reference which are for what, as well as provide a nice list of helpful services and utilities for managing coins.
Some of this "coin" stuff may be confusing, if you're new. So, let me explain what I know so far —
There are many, many coins. People like to trade them, not unlike stocks or Pokémon cards. People also like to mine them, using their home computers or specialized hardware.
Coins are stored in wallets. These can be hosted online, on your local computer, or even on a sheet of paper.
It's hard to mine a coin on your own, and is a bit like gambling, so people usually opt to join a pool (which typically use the stratum
protocol to coordinate) — this rewards you for your work, even if you didn't find anything, because you helped contribute with thousands of other people, some of whom did find blocks. The blocks are then split up, based on the pool's rules.
Some people rent hashing power from farms and either play the "blockchain lottery", trying to find blocks of coins on their own, or they point the farm at a pool, like a typical home miner — except they have a tremendously high amount of computational power available to them, if they're willing to pay for it.
Hope that helps clear things up.
Here's a list of WhatToMine.
Notice: the coin community frowns upon use of these services, as you are not in direct control of your coins — in fact, you don't own them at all — the service does — much like the way a standard bank operates.
Actual Hosted Coin Wallets:
(Litecoin / LTC)SHA256
(Bitcoin / BTC)ScryptNF
(Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor) (GPU Coin, GPUC)X11
(Dash / Darkcoin, Dashcoin, ASIC-Resistant)X13
(MaruCoin / MARU) (CPU/GPU)Keccak
(MaxCoin / MAX)X15
(HTML5 Coin, HTML5)Nist5
(Talkcoin, TAC)NeoScrypt
(Phoenixcoin (PXC), Imperialcoin (IPC), Feathercoin (FTC), UFOcoin (UFO), Guncoin (GUN), Bollywoodcoin (BDC), Orbitcoin (ORB), Halcyon (HAL))Lyra2RE
(VertCoin / VTC, CryptoCoin)WhirlpoolX
(Vanillacoin / VNL)Qubit
(QuibitCoin / Q2C)Quark
(Axiom Coin / AXIOM)Lyra2REv2
(VertCoin / VTC)ScryptJaneNf16
(Diamond / DMD)Blake256r8
(Blake Coin / BLC)Blake256r14
(Blake Coin / BLC)Blake256r8vnl
(Blake Coin / BLC)Hodl
(HodlCoin / HODL)DaggerHashimoto
(Ethereum / ETH)Decred
(XCN, CPU-only)Lbry
(Zcash / XEC, ZClassic, HUSH, Komodo)Pascal
(SIBCoin / SIB)Sia
s (NevaCoin, Netko Coin, Verge, TajCoin)Skunk
(Signatum Coin / SIGT)As of 2017-08-23:
btc eth xrp ltc etc xem miota dash bts strat xmr zec gnt bcn waves steem sc icn xlm bcc lsk doge rep ans fct game ardr gno maid dgb dcr kmd gbyte bat nxt dgd 1st veri mgo usdt sngls nmr sys btcd pivx ant ubq mcap emc ppc ppy ark round lkk rlc rdd sjcx qrl mln xas lbc amp wings nxs leo nmc xcp xvg bay edg blk omni myst xzc nlg via burst cfi vtc cloak mona xaur eac dice grc ybc block obits nav vsl trst pot hmq exp gup tkn bash xdn edr ioc enrg rads note nxc shift moon wdc unity xel qau taas bnt xbc sky ion snt agrs neos qrk zrc vrc dbix storj fun eos sls mco soar swt dbic dct adt sib pay draco chc mtl fair uny plu daxx qtum san grs ppt crw wbb mue safex ter omg plbt net cvc xrl bdl b@ part coe skin plr nvc etp anc bch cmp mny stx ico neo dtb nlc2 gas btm bnb dnt bqx adx lun frst tix dent snm eb3 zrx oax ixt tcc cat
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