JetBrains / kotlinconf-app
- суббота, 4 ноября 2017 г. в 03:14:12
KotlinConf Schedule Application
This is the official KotlinConf App! We hope you enjoy(ed) the conference and sessions. This repository contains the source code of the application.
All pieces of the application are implemented in Kotlin. Backend, frontend and mobile apps are Kotlin applications. Yes, Kotlin is powering all parts of the story. Did I already say that? Okay, let's get to the details:
KotlinConf App is connecting to the server running in the cloud to get information about sessions, speakers, favorites and votes. It is developed using Ktor, an asynchronous Kotlin web framework.
The server polls Sessionize service, which is used for planning the conference. Once in a while it connects to APIs to get latest information about sessions, speakers, and timeline. It then augments and republishes this information for clients to consume. It also provides couple of extra APIs to save your favorites and accumulate votes.
During the KotlinConf keynote we showed a web page connected to the same server, displaying live information about the voting process. This page is developed using Kotlin/JS and React framework. It connects to the server using a WebSocket and receives updates on votes for the given session.
As you can imagine, the Android version is developed in Kotlin/JVM. What's interesting here is that this time application utilizes Multiplatform support, which is an experimental feature in Kotlin 1.2. Data structures for retrieving data from the backend server and some date-time operations are shared across multiple projects.
The best part is that the iOS version is developed in Kotlin/Native. While still at an early stage in supporting iOS platform natively with Kotlin, it is already a fully functional, connected application, interoperating with iOS native frameworks, and otherwise indistinguishable from Objective C or Swift application. While there are still rough edges and no multiplatform support ready for this kind of application, it's already showing the huge potential in enabling development of native applications for all platforms.
in the root directory of the project, pointing to your Android SDK installation. On Mac OS,
the contents should be sdk.dir=/Users/<your username>/Library/Android/sdk
. On other OSes, please adjust accordingly../gradlew build
./gradlew backend:run
from the command line or from Gradle toolwindownpm run serve
in the 'web' directory to run webpack development server