internalfx / regrid
- пятница, 18 марта 2016 г. в 02:15:03
A file storage system for RethinkDB inspired by GridFS
ReGrid is a method of storing large files inside a RethinkDB database.
The ReGrid spec is an open specification free for anyone to implement and use.
Join Slack here, then meet us on the #regrid channel.
Special thanks to Arthur Andrew Medical for sponsoring this project.
Arthur Andrew Medical manufactures products with ingredients that have extensive clinical research for safety and efficacy. We specialize in Enzymes, Probiotics and Antioxidants.
Supports node v4.0+
npm install --save rethinkdb-regrid
var ReGrid = require('rethinkdb-regrid')
var bucket = ReGrid({db: 'example'})
// initBucket creates tables and indexes if they don't exist, returns a promise.
bucket.initBucket().then(function () {
// We are now ready to read and write files
// Watch a filename for changes
bucket.watchFilename('/videos/myVid.mp4').then(function (cursor) {
cursor.each((err, changes) => {
// Open a write stream to ReGrid
var dbStream = bucket.upload('/videos/bigvid.mp4')
// Create read stream from file and pipe it to a ReGrid write stream
dbStream.on('finish', function () {
// File is now written to the database
//Read the file and pipe it to a write stream to save the file back out to the file system.
There are mostly 4 types of operations that can be performed in ReGrid. Most method names start with a prefix that organizes the API.
Prefix | Description |
upload | Writes a file to ReGrid. This function will return a binary write stream. |
download | Reads a file from ReGrid. This function will return a binary read stream. |
list | Lists available files in ReGrid. This function will return a read stream in objectMode . |
watch | Watches files for changes in ReGrid. This function will return a changeFeed. |
ReGrid([connectionOptions, options])
key | default | type | description |
connectionOptions | {} | Object | connectionOptions is passed directly to rethinkdbdash |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
bucketName | fs |
String | The name of the bucket. Table names are prefixed by this. |
chunkSizeBytes | 1024 * 255 |
Number | The default chunk size, in bytes. |
concurrency | 10 |
Number | When reading/writing a file, the number of concurrent queries in flight for a given stream. |
Bucket instance
Creates a new ReGrid bucket instance.
var ReGrid = require('rethinkdb-regrid')
var bucket = ReGrid({db: 'mydatabase'}, {bucketName: 'mybucket'})
Verifies required tables and indexes exist and will create them if missing.
bucket.initBucket().then(function () {
// bucket is ready for use.....
upload(filename[, options])
key | default | type | description |
filename | required | String | The name of the file. |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
chunkSizeBytes | The chunkSizeBytes setting for the bucket. |
Number | Size of each chunk in bytes. |
metadata | undefined | Object | Metadata object allowing you to store custom keys on files. |
Returns a write stream for storing a file in ReGrid.
var writeStream = bucket.upload('/videos/myVid.mp4', {
chunkSizeBytes: 1024 * 255,
metadata: {topic: 'cats'}
writeStream.on('finish', function () {
// File is now stored in ReGrid
key | default | type | description |
fileId | required | String | The id of the file to retrieve |
Returns a read stream for reading a file from ReGrid.
var readStream = bucket.downloadId('ca608825-15c0-44b5-9bef-3ccabf061bab')
downloadFilename(filename[, options])
key | default | type | description |
filename | required | String | The name of the file. |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
revision | -1 |
Number | The revision of the file to retrieve. If multiple files are uploaded under the same filename they are considered revisions. This may be a positive or negative number. (see chart below) |
If there are five versions of a file, the below chart would be the revision numbers
Number | Description |
0 or -5 |
The original file |
1 or -4 |
The first revision |
2 or -3 |
The second revision |
3 or -2 |
The second most recent revision |
4 or -1 |
The most recent revision |
Returns a read stream for reading a file from ReGrid.
var newestVersion = bucket.downloadFilename('/videos/myVid.mp4')
var originalVersion = bucket.downloadFilename('/videos/myVid.mp4', {revision: 0})
listRegex(pattern[, options])
key | default | type | description |
pattern | required | String | A regular expression matched against filename |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
sort | undefined | String | Sort results by filename . Valid values are ASC and DESC . |
skip | undefined | Number | Skip results, useful for pagination. |
limit | undefined | Number | Limit results. |
showAll | false | Boolean | Show all revisions of matched files. Normally duplicate filenames are hidden and only the latest revision of each filename is returned. |
ReadStream in objectMode
. The stream emits objects, not buffers.
Returns a read stream for finding files via regular expression. The stream emits objects as they are found, and can be a long running operation.
You may call toArray()
on the returned stream to coerce it to an array. This may fail if the result set is very large. You may optionally call with limit to prevent this.
var videoStream = bucket.listRegex('^/videos/', {limit: 100})
videoStream.on('data', function (video) {
// OR
bucket.listRegex('^/videos/', {limit: 100}).toArray().then(function (videos) {
// list the first 100 videos in the `/videos` directory
listFilename(filename[, options])
key | default | type | description |
filename | required | String | The name of the file. |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
sort | undefined | String | Sort results by finishedAt (The date the file was uploaded). Valid values are ASC and DESC . |
skip | undefined | Number | Skip results, useful for pagination. |
limit | undefined | Number | Limit results. |
ReadStream in objectMode
. The stream emits objects, not buffers.
Returns a read stream for finding files by filename. The stream emits objects as they are found, and can be a long running operation. However, this method uses an index and is very efficient.
You may call toArray()
on the returned stream to coerce it to an array. This may fail if the result set is very large. You may optionally call with limit to prevent this.
var revisionStream = bucket.listFilename('/videos/editedVideo.mp4')
revisionStream.on('data', function (revision) {
// OR
bucket.listFilename('/videos/editedVideo.mp4').toArray().then(function (revisions) {
// list all revisions of '/videos/editedVideo.mp4'
listMetadata(metadata[, options])
key | default | type | description |
metadata | required | Object | An object to match against the metadata field of ReGrid files. |
options | {} | Object | Optional parameters listed below |
key | default | type | description |
skip | undefined | Number | Skip results, useful for pagination. |
limit | undefined | Number | Limit results. |
ReadStream in objectMode
. The stream emits objects, not buffers.
Returns a read stream for finding files by metadata. The stream emits objects as they are found, and can be a long running operation.
You may call toArray()
on the returned stream to coerce it to an array. This may fail if the result set is very large. You may optionally call with limit to prevent this.
var catStream = bucket.listMetadata({topic: 'cats'})
catStream.on('data', function (catVideo) {
// OR
bucket.listMetadata({topic: 'cats'}).toArray().then(function (catVideos) {
// list all videos under the 'cat' topic.
key | default | type | description |
pattern | required | String | A regular expression matched against filename. |
A RethinkDB changeFeed cursor
Allows you to be notified of changes to a file if the filename
property matches your regular expression.
bucket.watchRegex('^/videos').then(function (cursor) {
cursor.each((err, video) => {
key | default | type | description |
filename | required | String | The filename to watch for changes. |
A RethinkDB changeFeed cursor
Allows you to be notified of changes to a file if the filename
property ===
your string.
bucket.watchFilename('/videos/myVid.mp4').then(function (cursor) {
cursor.each((err, changes) => {
key | default | type | description |
metadata | required | Object | The metadata to watch for changes. |
A RethinkDB changeFeed cursor
Allows you to be notified of changes to a file if the metadata
property matches your object.
bucket.watchMetadata({topic: 'cats'}).then(function (cursor) {
cursor.each((err, catVideoChanges) => {
key | default | type | description |
fileId | required | String | The id of the file to delete |
Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean, depending on whether the operation was successful.
Marks a file as deleted in ReGrid
rename(fileId, filename)
key | default | type | description |
fileId | required | String | The id of the file to rename. |
filename | required | String | The new filename for the selected file. |
Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean, depending on whether the operation was successful.
Renames a file in ReGrid
bucket.rename('ca608825-15c0-44b5-9bef-3ccabf061bab', 'newName.mp4')