hugoam / mud
- воскресенье, 20 мая 2018 г. в 00:16:45
an all-purpose c++ app prototyping library, focused towards live graphical apps and games
mud is an all-purpose c++ app prototyping library, focused towards live graphical apps and games.
mud contains all the essential building blocks to develop lean c++ apps from scratch, providing reflection and low level generic algorithms, an immediate ui paradigm, and an immediate minimalistic and flexible graphics renderer.
In essence, mud aims to be the quickest and simplest way to prototype a c++ graphical application: it provides facilities which, in retrospect, you will never want to build an application without. It handles the problem of the code you don't want to write, and should not have to write, whenever prototyping an app. As such the core principle in mud is : don't repeat yourself, and we take this aim very seriously. We also believe it's a principle that is way too often disregarded.
mud consists of a set of 6 small, self-contained libraries rather than a single one: 6 building blocks essential to prototyping any c++ app.
The first set of blocks, consists of low level c++ programming tools, which purpose is to avoid duplicating code over and over, by providing generic algorithms instead, operating on generic objects. Their purpose to maximize the potential of each line of code written, so that ideally, each of them is only concerned with the problem domain you are trying to solve.
These are the three low-level generic c++ blocks: they rely on applying generic operations on arbitrary types:
The second set of blocks consists of the the interactive/graphical foundation of an app:
The last one ties the ui and the generic c++ blocks together:
mud stems from a strong programming philosophy: it wagers that the future of application and game coding lies in small, self-contained, reusable and shared libraries, and not in gigantic tightly coupled engines of hundreds thousands of lines of code.
For our shared knowledge and our programs to progress, the building blocks have to be small and understandable by most (which is essentially the same thing). There are many such blocks already in many domains (network, pathfinding, database, graphics).
I started writing mud because I discovered some of the blocks I needed were missing. The common thread between these blocks, is an unrelenting thirst for simplicity. With the building blocks mud provides, one can create live graphical apps in few lines of code, but also, anyone can potentially create a game engine.
mud is open-source, and published under the zlib license: as such it is looking for sponsors, funding, and your support through patreon.
Here is a slightly more in-depth description of each of mud core components :
mud is built with GENie build system, which is based on premake and consists of a bunch of lua scripts. The GENie binaries needed by mud for windows and linux are included for convenience in the bin
To get a headstart and build mud you should clone the sample project repository, which builds all the examples. The examples can be built from this repository directly but the data is in the sample repository to keep this one light.
The build instructions for linux and gcc look like:
git clone --recursive
cd mud-sample
mud/bin/genie --gcc=linux-gcc gmake
cd build/projects/gmake-linux
make config=debug64 -j8
This is the minimal sample code you need to run a mud application
#include <mud/mud.h>
using namespace mud;
bool pump(Shell& app)
// ui code goes here
return app.pump();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Shell app(RESOURCE_PATH);;
Everything starts with your code : the domain specific problem you want to solve, the application business logic.
In mud we start here, and not in intricate hierarchies of classes and components to inherit. As such mud is more alike to a programming language/idiom than a framework.
namespace app
class _refl_ MyObject
_constr_ MyObject(int var, std::string field);
_meth_ int method();
_attr_ int m_var;
_attr_ std::string m_field;
_attr_ std::vector<float> m_floats;
_func_ void foo(int arg);
_func_ void bar(MyObject& object);
That code is gonna reside in a module, which you need to precompile to a reflection file, using mud reflection generator.
From this point, you are allowed to manipulate the reflected classes, objects and functions in a completely generic and type-erased way:
// call a generic function
Var result = function(foo)({ var(5) });
MyObject object = { 12, 'cocorico' };
// create generic values and references
Var a = &object; // a holds generic reference to object
Var b = var(object); // b holds a copy of object
// construct an object generically
Var c = construct(type<MyObject>(), { var(12), var(string("cocorico")) });
// call a generic object method
Var result = method(&MyObject::method)(object, {});
// get and set a generic object member
Var member = member(&MyObject::m_var).get(object);
member(&MyObject::m_field).set(object, var("cocorico!"));
// iterate a generic collection
Var collection = member(&MyObject::m_floats).get(object);
iterate(var, [](const Var& element) { printf("%f\n", element.val<float>(); });
// create a generic collection
std::vector<Var> objects = { var(5), var(34.13f), var(string("cocorico")), var(MyObject(15, "mud rocks")) };
iterate(var, [](const Var& element) { printf("%s, ", to_string(element); }); // prints 5, 34.13f, cocorico,
mud builds on top of these low level generic operations to provide, for any of the reflected types and primitives:
Here are a few examples of how using these features looks:
AppObject object(12, 'cocorico');
// draw an inspector ui panel to edit this object
ui::inspector(parent, &object);
// serialize and deserialize any object to and from its json representation
std::string json = slz::pack(object);
Var object = slz::unpack(type<MyObject>(), json);
In a lua script you can use any of the reflected functions, types, methods, fields
local object = MyObject(5, 'hello world!')
bar(object) -- you can even pass c++ objects to a function
Add nodes to the visual script from c++
Valve& arg = script.value(5);
Valve& field = script.value(string("cocorico"));
script.create<MyObject>({ &arg, &field }); // adds a node that creates an object
Now to use these features you need an actual running application.
The first step to bootstrap an application is to actually create a window with a user interface.
mud ui uses a novel paradigm that sits halfway between immediate (like dear imgui) and retained ui (like Qt) : its API looks and feels exactly like an immediate ui library, except not much is actually done immediately. As such, we prefer to refer to it as a declarative ui.
The final tree of widgets will look exactly like the tree of the declarations that is traversed on any given frame. however, events are processed, and rendering is done in a separate step.
Once you have setup a window and called the begin()
function on the root widget on each iteration, you can freely declare/draw all your widgets:
Widget& window = ui::window(uroot, "My Window");
ui::label(window, "Welcome to mud ui");
if(ui::button(window, "Click me !"))
printf("Button clicked !\n");
ui::color_edit(window, Colour(1.f, 0.34f, 0.73f));
The styles of all widgets are entirely customizable, through style sheets declared in the json format
styles govern literally all aspects of :
By switching between style sheets on the fly, you can instantly change the whole appearance of the ui
You can also specify styles on a per-widget basis, by passing in a style parameter
Style style = {};
ui::button(parent, style, "Click me!");
mud gfx library uses the same immediate paradigm as the ui. instead of nesting ui nodes (widgets) calls, you nest graphics nodes calls. as such it is perfect for quickly setting up some debug graphics rendering.
// create a viewer to render into
SceneViewer& viewer = ui::scene_viewer(uroot);
Gnode& groot = viewer.m_scene.m_graph.begin();
// draw a node, which transform applies to children of this node
Gnode& gnode gfx::node(root, {}, vec3(0.f, 15.f, 7.5f));
// draw a cube shape item as a child of node
gfx::shape(gnode, Symbol(Colour::White), Cube());
// draw a 3d model item as a child of node
Item& item = gfx::model(gnode, "my_3d_model.obj");
// animate a model
Animated& animated = gfx::animated(gnode, item);"walk");
mud couldn't exist without:
Creating mud has been a huge time investment over the course of a few years: the only way I can pursue that effort and make it thrive into the programming ecosystem of our dreams, is through funding and sponsorship: you are welcome to have a look at our patreon.
mud is licensed under the zlib license.