
Grille98 / 2D-isometricEditor

  • среда, 15 ноября 2017 г. в 03:15:23

A program to generate isometric graphics from elevation data


A program to generate isometric graphics from elevation data.
An example of what is possible with it...


Isometric graphics from elevation data
Freely rotatable on Z axis
Generated realistic shadow


Real time editor for height map
Advanced export options

How Use

Download v0.2.1
Run 2D-isoedit.exe in the bin folder
Load any heightmap

Heightmap format

The green rgb channel is used for the height
G = 100 => height = 100px

The blue rgb channel defines the used texture
List of Textures:

  • 0 = grass
  • 1 = dirt
  • 2 = sand
  • 3 = stone
  • 4 = dark grass

The red and alpha rgb channels are ignored