
GoogleChromeLabs / jsvu

  • пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г. в 03:17:38

JavaScript (engine) Version Updater

jsvu Build status

jsvu is the JavaScript (engine) Version Updater.

jsvu makes it easy to install recent versions of various JavaScript engines without having to compile them from source.


Install the jsvu CLI:

npm install jsvu -g

Modify your dotfiles (e.g. ~/.bashrc) to add ~/.jsvu to your PATH:

export PATH="${HOME}/.jsvu:${PATH}"

Then, run jsvu:


On first run, jsvu prompts you for your operating system and architecture, and the list of JavaScript engines you wish to manage through jsvu. It then downloads and installs the latest version of each of the engines you selected.

To update the installed JavaScript engines later on, just run jsvu again.

Supported engines

JavaScript engine Binary name mac64 win32 win64 linux32 linux64
Chakra chakra or ch
JavaScriptCore javascriptcore or jsc * (32)*
SpiderMonkey spidermonkey or sm
V8 v8

* To get JavaScriptCore running on Windows, you’ll have to install iTunes.

Integration with eshost-cli

eshost-cli makes it easy to run and compare code in all JavaScript engines that jsvu installs.

First, install eshost-cli:

npm install -g eshost-cli

Then, tell eshost-cli where jsvu installs each JavaScript engine:

eshost --add 'Chakra' ch ~/.jsvu/chakra
eshost --add 'JavaScriptCore' jsc ~/.jsvu/javascriptcore
eshost --add 'SpiderMonkey' jsshell ~/.jsvu/spidermonkey
eshost --add 'V8 --harmony' d8 ~/.jsvu/v8 --args '--harmony'
eshost --add 'V8' d8 ~/.jsvu/v8

That’s it! You can now run code snippets in all those engines with a single command:

eshost -e 'new RegExp("\n").toString()' #

Security considerations

jsvu avoids the need for sudo privileges by installing everything in ~/.jsvu rather than, say, /usr/bin.

jsvu downloads files over HTTPS, and only uses URLs that are controlled by the creators of the JavaScript engine. As an additional layer of security, jsvu performs SHA-256 checksum verification where applicable.


Mathias Bynens (@mathias)