
GetStream / Winds

  • четверг, 24 мая 2018 г. в 00:17:42

A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App

Winds 2.0 - A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App

Open Source Platform Awesome Badge Maintenance Built With StackShare

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Winds is a beautiful open-source RSS and Podcast app created using React/Redux/Node. Use the free hosted version or run it on your own server and customize it as you see fit. Contributions are always appreciated. In fact we're planning a series of tutorials to help you get started. Activity Feeds & Discovery in Winds are powered by Stream, the app leverages Algolia for search, AWS for hosting, MongoDB Atlas for a hosted database (DBaaS), and SendGrid for email. All of these services have a free tier.

To download Winds 2.0, please visit (macOS, Linux, Windows)

Winds 2.0



Help us improve Winds and/or vote on the Roadmap for 2.1

  • Mark Read (partially implemented)
  • Playlist support (partially implemented)
  • Team support (share an activity feed with colleagues or friends to discover and collaborate)
  • Mobile application powered by React Native
  • SSO (Google & Twitter)
  • Folder Support
  • Listen to feed changes in realtime

Powered By

  1. Express
  2. React & Redux
  3. Algolia
  4. MongoDB Atlas
  5. SendGrid
  6. Bull
  7. Mercury
  8. Stream
  9. Sentry
  10. AWS

The full stack can be found on


Stream is an API for building activity feeds. For Winds the follow suggestions and the list of articles from the feeds you follow is powered by Stream. Stream accounts are free for up to 3 million feed updates and handle personalization (machine learning) for up to 100 users.


Algolia is used for lightning fast and relevant search. We use their JavaScript search client to easily setup the Winds search implementation. Algolia, accounts are free up to 10k records and 100k operations.


MongoDB Atlas provides a Database as a Service, and serves as the backend datastore for Winds.


The following tutorials will not only help you start contributing to Winds, but also provide inspiration for your next app.

Note: We're actively working on this portion of the README. To stay up to date with the latest information, please signup for the hosted version at

  1. Architecting a large React/Redux codebase
  2. Building activity streams and newsfeeds on top of Stream
  3. Implementing search with Algolia
  4. Deploying to AWS ECS
  5. MongoDB database schema design
  6. Design thought process for Winds 2.0
  7. PM2 in production environments
  8. Creating a RESTful API design with Express.js
  9. Preparing an Electron app for deployment to the macOS store
  10. Deploying to the macOS store
  11. Electron gotchas


To download Winds 2.0, visit

Contributing to Winds



  • brew install pkg-config cairo redis mongodb
  • cd winds
  • yarn install
  • cd api
  • yarn install
  • cd src && yarn install
  • cd workers && yarn install
  • cd ../../../
  • cd app && yarn install
  • brew services start mongodb
  • brew services start redis

Sign up for both Stream and Algolia, and create the following .env file in the app directory, replacing the keys where indicated:





Then run:

  • pm2 start process_dev.json
  • cd app && yarn start

Clone the Repo

git clone

Install dependencies

The following instructions are geared towards Mac users who can use brew (Homebrew) to install most dependencies. Ubuntu users can use apt, and Windows users will have to install directly from the dependency's site. Non-debian-based Linux users will probably be able to figure it out on their own :)

  • cd Winds
  • yarn install
  • cd api
  • yarn install
  • cd src && yarn install
  • cd workers && yarn install
  • cd ../../../
  • cd app && yarn install

Create a dotenv file

A .env file contains all configuration and connection strings for Winds.

Create a new file titled .env inside the app folder, and add the following:


Start MongoDB Locally

Winds uses MongoDB as the main datastore - it contains all users, rss feeds, podcasts, episodes, articles, and shares.

If you're on a Mac, you can install MongoDB through Homebrew by running:

brew install mongodb

(You can also install MongoDB from the official MongoDB site.)

You can also run MongoDB in the background by running:

brew services start mongodb

Start Redis Locally

At Stream, we use Redis as an in-memory storage for the Winds podcast processing and RSS processing workers. It contains a list of podcasts and RSS feeds, which the workers pick up and process using the bull messaging system.

If you're on a Mac, you can install MongoDB through Homebrew by running:

brew install redis

(You can also install Redis from the official Redis site.)

Then, start Redis by running:


...which creates (by default) a dump.rdb file in your current directory and stores a cached version of the database in that location.

You can also run Redis in the background by running:

brew services start redis


Sign up and Create a Stream App

To contribute to Winds, sign up for Stream to utilize the activity and timeline feeds.

(Reminder: Stream is free for applications with less than 3,000,000 updates per month.)

Add your Stream App ID, API Key, and API Secret to your .env

Append the Stream App ID, API Key, and API secret to your .env file:


Create Your Stream Feed Groups

Once you've signed in, create "feed groups" for your Stream app.

A "feed group" defines a certain type of feed within your application. Use the "Add Feed Group" button to create the following feeds:

feed group name feed group type
podcast flat
rss flat
user flat
timeline flat
user_episode flat
user_article flat

It's fine to enable "Realtime Notifications" for each of these feed groups, though we won't be using those yet.


Sign up for Algolia and Create an Algolia App and Index

In addition to Stream, you also need to sign up for Algolia, to contribute to Winds, for the search functionality.

(Algolia is free for applications with up to 10k records.)

  • Sign up for Algolia here
  • From the Applications page, click "New Application" and create a new Algolia application. (We recommend something similar to my-winds-app)
    • (Select the datacenter that's closest to you.)
  • From the application page, select "Indices" and click "Add New Index". (We recommend something similar to winds-main-index)

Add Your Algolia Application Id, Search-Only Api Key and Admin Api Key to Your .env File

From your app, click the "API Keys" button on the left to find your app ID and API keys.

Append your Algolia application ID, search-only API Key and Admin API Key to your .env file to look like this:


Start Backend Services

From the root directory, run:

pm2 start process_dev.json

To see logging information for all processes, run:

pm2 logs

Start Frontend Electron / Web App Server

cd app && yarn start

Building a Production Version

Build a production version of Winds by running:


This creates production-ready JS files in api/dist.

To run the production JS files:

pm2 start process_prod.json

Debugging RSS & Podcast Issues

Unfortunately there is no unified standard for RSS. To test your preferred feed, go to api/src/workers and run:

babel-node feed_debug.js --rss

For podcasts run:

babel-node feed_debug.js --podcast\?id\=510289

Pull requests for improved RSS compatibility are much appreciated. Most of the parsing codebase is located in api/src/workers/parsers.js.


All support is handled via GitHub Issues. If you're unfamiliar with creating an Issue on GitHub, please follow these instructions.

Maintenance and Contributions

Thank you to all of the maintainers and contributors who've helped Winds become what it is today and help it stay up and running every day. We couldn't do it without you!

Special Shoutouts To:

Primary Maintainers
