
fluencelabs / dev-rewards

  • вторник, 12 марта 2024 г. в 00:00:05

Fluence Developer Rewards

Generate proof (docker)

  1. Build docker image

    docker build -t dev-reward-script .

  2. If your ssh keys are in ~/.ssh, run the script:

    docker run -it --rm --network none -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro dev-reward-script

    If your ssh keys are in other directories, replace {dir_path_for_your_ssh_keys} with your directory path:

    docker run -it --rm --network none -v /{dir_path_for_your_ssh_keys}:/root/.ssh:ro dev-reward-script

Generate proof (local sh script)

  1. Install dependencies


  2. Run the script


Generate proof (local python script)

  1. Install python

  2. Install dependencies


    python3 -m venv claim-venv

    source claim-venv/bin/activate

    pip3 install -r python/requirements.txt

  3. Run the script

    python3 python/