
FL33TW00D / whisper-turbo

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:05

Whisper on the web - turbocharged by your GPU 🏎️

What is Whisper Turbo?

Whisper Turbo intends to be a drop-in replacement for the OpenAI Whisper API. This is built up from 3 things:

  1. A smooth compatibility layer for ingesting audio files of various formats and converting them to be Whisper compatible.
  2. Developer-friendly APIs for one-shot inference and streaming.
  3. The core Rust + WebGPU inference framework, Rumble, designed from the ground up for fast, cross-platform inference.


Check out the roadmap.

Supported Platforms

WebGPU is only currently available on stable release Chrome Version >= 113. Firefox & Safari do not currently ship WebGPU.

Windows + MacOS are supported, Linux is not.


In alpha currently, use at your own risk.

npm install whisper-turbo


Coming soon

Want to help?

  • Are you a GPU wizard?
  • Do you know what a HRTB is in Rust?
  • Do you know what is going on here?
  • Reach out: