115 stars today A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language
Emulators written in JavaScript
A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language.
This list started as a compilation of JavaScript emulators posted to Echo JS over the years. If you know about any missing emulators, please consider adding them to the collection : the source for this page is available on GitHub. Thank you in advance.
Lastly, if you are into JavaScript, you might enjoy Echo JS.
ElkJS - JavaScript based Acorn Electron emulator (Source)
RetroArch - JavaScript port of RetroArch (bundles Gambatte (Gameboy), Genesis Plus GX, Handy (Lynx), Snes9x Next, VBA Next (GameBoy Advance), Tyrquake and FinalBurn Alpha)
RetroWeb - collection of Javascript emulators and boot media, including Apple-IIe (VisiCalc), Macintosh (System 1.0), Atari 1040ST, Commodore 64, Amiga 500 (Workbench 1.3), IBM PC Model 5150 (PC-DOS, CP/M-86, Cassette Basic), IBM PC XT (DOS, GEM 1.2, VisiCalc, Windows 1.01, 8088 Corruption demo), RC759 Piccoline (Eliza, Bil-simulation, Concurrent CP/M-86), TRS-80.
Visual ARM1 - JavaScript/WebGL for ARM's first CPU, modelling 25000 transistors at switch level and animating the original chip layout - in 3D. See the blog post
Visual 6502 - JavaScript simulator for the 6502 CPU, modelling thousands of transistors at switch level and animating the original chip layout. See also expert mode.
Visual 6800 - JavaScript simulator for the Motorola 6800 CPU, modelling thousands of transistors at switch level and animating the original chip layout.
Visulator - x86 machine emulator that visualizes how each instruction is processed (Source)
Turing machine simulated in JavaScript. See here for more information. (1936)
Z1 machine's adder in 3D JavaScript/WebGL interactive simulation of the mechanical adder of Zuse's first machine. By Jakob Mischek (Source) (1938)
Z3 machine's adder - ripple-carry electromechanical adder simulated in JavaScript, by Henry Raymond, Patrick Seewald and Vijeinath Tissaveerasingham. Explanation (1941)
HP-45 - statically recompiled ROM by Norbert Kehrer
HP-65 and HP-67 - with extra debug menu, by Greg Sydney-Smith
Sinclair Scientific and TI-1500 - calculator simulations including full description of the algorithms and the reverse-engineering process. By Ken Shirriff