evmcheb / friendrekt
- воскресенье, 27 августа 2023 г. в 00:00:07
friend.tech mempool sniper
mempool sniper bot for new friend.tech joiners. the story goes:
here's a brief overview of the sniper:
there are two tokio threads.
1. listen to every block.
for every ETH transfer or bridge relays:
reverse search the addresses involved on friend.tech
find the number of followers
if the address is not cached:
cache the address
2. listen to blast-api eth_newPendingTransactions
there are multiple (4?) backend nodes so subscribe a few times
(afaict its mostly rng which stream you get)
(also run this bot on several geo-distributed servers)
if its a first-share-buy (a signup):
if the address is cached:
if follow count > 20k: send snipe tx
do a live lookup of follow count
if follow count > 20k: send snipe tx