
eladnava / mailgen

  • пятница, 27 мая 2016 г. в 03:16:57

A Node.js package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional mail.


npm version

A Node.js package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional mail.

Programmatically create beautiful e-mails using plain old JavaScript.



First, install the package using npm:

npm install mailgen --save

Then, start using the package by importing and configuring it:

var Mailgen = require('mailgen');

// Configure mailgen by setting a theme and your product info
var mailGenerator = new Mailgen({
    theme: 'default',
    product: {
        // Appears in header & footer of e-mails
        name: 'Mailgen',
        link: 'https://mailgen.js/'
        // Optional product logo
        // logo: 'https://mailgen.js/img/logo.png'

Next, generate an e-mail using the following code:

// Prepare email contents
var email = {
    body: {
        name: 'John Appleseed',
        intro: 'Welcome to Mailgen! We’re very excited to have you on board.',
        action: {
            instructions: 'To get started with Mailgen, please click here:',
            button: {
                color: 'green',
                text: 'Confirm Your Account',
                link: 'https://mailgen.js/confirm?s=d9729feb74992cc3482b350163a1a010'
        outro: 'Need help, or have questions? Just reply to this email, we\'d love to help.'

// Generate an HTML email using mailgen
var emailBody = mailGenerator.generate(email);

// `emailBody` now contains the HTML body.
// It's up to you to send the e-mail. 
// Check out nodemailer to accomplish this: 

This code would output the following HTML template:


More Examples

Reset Password E-mail

// Prepare email contents
var email = {
    body: {
        name: 'John Appleseed',
        intro: 'You have received this email because a password reset request for your account was received.',
        action: {
            instructions: 'Click the button below to reset your password:',
            button: {
                color: 'red',
                text: 'Reset Your Password',
                link: 'https://mailgen.js/reset?s=b350163a1a010d9729feb74992c1a010'
        outro: 'If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required on your part.'

// Generate an HTML email using mailgen
var emailBody = mailGenerator.generate(email);

Reset Password

Receipt E-mail

Note: Tables are not available in the plaintext version of generated e-mails.

// Prepare email contents
var email = {
    body: {
        name: 'John Appleseed',
        intro: 'Your purchase has been processed successfully.',
        table: {
            data: [
                    item: 'Node.js',
                    description: 'Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8.',
                    price: '$10.99'
                    item: 'Mailgen',
                    description: 'Programmatically create beautiful e-mails using plain old JavaScript.',
                    price: '$1.99'
            columns: {
                // Optionally, customize the column widths
                customWidth: {
                    item: '20%',
                    price: '15%'
        action: {
            instructions: 'You can check the status of your order and more in your dashboard:',
            button: {
                color: 'blue',
                text: 'Go to Dashboard',
                link: 'https://mailgen.js/confirm?s=d9729feb74992cc3482b350163a1a010'
        outro: 'We thank you for your purchase.'

// Generate an HTML email using mailgen
var emailBody = mailGenerator.generate(email);

Subscription Renewal

Plaintext E-mails

To generate a plaintext version of the e-mail, simply call generatePlaintext():

// Generate plaintext email using mailgen
var emailText = mailGenerator.generatePlaintext(email);

Supported Themes

The following open-source themes are bundled with this package:

We thank the contributing authors for creating these themes.

Custom Themes

We use ejs under the hood to inject the e-mail body you provide into the theme.

If you want to create your own custom theme, it's a good idea to base off of the themes/default/index.txt file, or at least copy the variable injection logic from it to your custom theme file.

When you've got your theme ready, provide the path to it as follows:

var path = require('path');
var Mailgen = require('mailgen');

// Configure mailgen by providing the path to your custom theme
var mailGenerator = new Mailgen({
    theme: {
        // Build an absolute path to the theme file within your project
        path: path.resolve('assets/mailgen/theme.html'),
        // Also (optionally) provide the path to a plaintext version of the theme (if you wish to use `generatePlaintext()`)
        plaintextPath: path.resolve('assets/mailgen/theme.txt')
    // Configure your product as usual (see examples above)
    product: {}


  1. After sending multiple e-mails to the same Gmail / Inbox address, they become grouped and truncated since they contain similar text, breaking the responsive e-mail layout.

Simply sending the X-Entity-Ref-ID header with your e-mails will prevent grouping / truncation.


  • If you find a bug or wish to suggest a new feature, please create an issue first
  • Make sure your code & comment conventions are in-line with the project's style
  • Make your commits and PRs as tiny as possible - one feature or bugfix at a time
  • Write detailed commit messages, in-line with the project's commit naming conventions


Apache 2.0