DhavalKapil / heap-exploitation
- вторник, 30 мая 2017 г. в 03:11:58
This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap. It also describes, in detail, various attacks possible on the heap structure. https://heap-exploitation.dhavalkapil.com/
This short book is written for people who want to understand the internals of 'heap memory', particularly the implementation of glibc's 'malloc' and 'free' procedures, and also for security researchers who want to get started in the field of heap exploitation.
The first section of the book covers and in-depth, yet concise, description about heap internals. The second section covers some of the most famous attacks. It is assumed that the reader is unfamiliar with this topic. For experienced readers, this text might be good for a quick revision.
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