C# Modified Version of NecronomiconCoding's version
A Pokemon Go bot in C#
PTC / Google Login
Get Map Objects and Inventory
Search for Gyms / Pokéstops / Spawns
Farm Pokéstops
Farm all Pokémon in the neighbourhood
Evolve Pokémon
Transfer Pokémon
Auto-Recycle uneeded items
Output level and needed XP for levelup
Output Username, Level, Stardust, XP/hour, Pokemon/hour in Console Title
German/English pokemon names
Automatic use of Razzberries
Automatic Update checker
Logs everything into Logs.txt
Getting Started
Go to PokemonGo\RocketAPI\Console\App.config -> Edit the Settings you like -> Build and Run (CTRL+F5)
Google - Google login via oauth2
Ptc - Pokemon Trainer Club login with username/password combination
username for PTC account. No need for when using Google.
password for PTC account. No need for when using Google.
GoogleRefreshToken - You get this code when you connect the application with your Google account. You do not need to enter it.
12.345678 - Latitude of your location you want to use the bot in. Number between -90 and +90. Doesn't matter how many numbers stand after the comma.
123.456789 - Longitude of your location you want to use the bot in. Number between -180 and +180. Doesn't matter how many numbers stand after the comma.
time - Every X amount of time it prints the current level and experience needed for the next level.
levelup - Only outputs the level and needed experience for next level on levelup.
seconds - After X seconds it will print the current level and experience needed for levelup when using time mode.
false Recycler not active.
true Recycler active.
seconds After X seconds it recycles items from the filter in Settings.cs.
english Outputs caught pokemons in english name.
german Outputs caught pokemons in german name.
cp - Use RazzBerry when Pokemon is over specific CP.
probability - Use RazzBerry when Pokemon catch chance is under a specific percentage.
value CP: Use RazzBerry when Pokemon is over this value | Probability Mode: Use Razzberry when % of catching is under this value
none - disables transferring
cp - transfers all pokemon below the CP threshold in the app.config, EXCEPT for those types specified in program.cs in TransferAllWeakPokemon
leaveStrongest - transfers all but the highest CP pokemon of each type SPECIFIED IN program.cs in TransferAllButStrongestUnwantedPokemon (those that aren't specified are untouched)
duplicate - same as above but for all pokemon (no need to specify type), (will not transfer favorited pokemon)
all - transfers all pokemon
CP transfers all pokemons with less CP than this value.