datalens-tech / datalens
- пятница, 29 сентября 2023 г. в 12:52:18
A modern, scalable analytics system
DataLens is a modern business intelligence and data visualization system. It was developed and extensively used as a primary BI tool in Yandex and is also available as a part of Yandex Cloud platform.
Now it is available as an Open Source project.
DataLens requires Docker to be installed. Follow these instructions depending on the platform you use:
Use the following command to start DataLens containers:
git clone && cd datalens
HC=1 docker compose up
This command will launch all containers required to run DataLens and UI will be available on http://localhost:8080
Highcharts is a proprietary commercial product. If you enable highcharts in your DataLens instance (with `HC=1`` variable), you should comply with Highcharts license (
When Highcharts is disabled in DataLens, we use D3.js instead. However, currently only few visualization types are compatible with D3.js. We are actively working on adding D3 support to additional visualizations and are going to completely replace Highcharts with D3 in DataLens.
DataLens consists of the three main parts:
We are releasing DataLens with first minimal set of available connectors (clickhouse, clickhouse over ytsaurus and postgresql) as well as other core functionality such as data processing engine and user interface. However, to kick off this project in a reasonable timeframe we chose to drop some of the features out of the first release: this version does not contain middleware and components for user sessions, object ACLs and multitenancy (although code contains entry-points for such extensions). We are planning to add missing features based on our understanding of community priorities and your feedback.