dabbott / react-express
- суббота, 24 июня 2017 г. в 03:12:14
The all-in-one beginner's guide to modern React application development!
React has a problem. While the proliferation of JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and tools (JavaScript fatigue) is fantastic for the web development ecosystem, it can be extremely intimidating for beginners to get started.
I've created this all-in-one guide for beginners to get an opinionated walkthrough from start to finish: create-react-app
, npm
, webpack
, babel
, ES2015, ES2016, JSX, React, Redux, CSS-in-JS, and more.
Proudly presenting, React Express!
If you'd like to contribute, follow along below to get the repo set up.
npm install
For working on the client (new pages, etc):
npm run dev:client
This will run the webpack dev server with hot reload.
For working on the server:
npm run dev:server
This will build the server bundle for server-side rendering.
For working on both client and server:
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start
Make sure to lint and prettify your code!
npm run format
npm run test
MIT, Copyright (c) 2017 Devin Abbott
Devin Abbott, @devinaabbott