chenBingX / SuperTextView
- суббота, 22 апреля 2017 г. в 03:11:40
Welcome to use SuperTextView.
Welcome to use SuperTextView, this document will show you how to use this widget.
SuperTextView extends TextView, it can reduce the complexity of the layout, and you can achieve the effect of some common quickly 。At the same time,It is built-in support for animation driven, you just need to write Adjuster and invoke startAnim()
, then you will see what you want. It's just a widget, so you can use it in your project easily.
SuperTextView properties can be set in the XML easily, and you can see the effect immediately. Just like to use TextView.
//Set Corner.
//If you want to get a circle, you just need to set the value of half of width.
//Corner of left-top
//Corner of right-top
//Corner of left-bottom
//Corner of right-bottom
//Fill color
//Stroke color
//Stroke width
//Set a state drawbale
//The default size is half of the SuperTextView.
//The mode of the state drawable. Optional values:
// left、top、right、bottom、center(Default)、
//fill(Fill the SuperTextView. In this case, set state drawable size will not work.)
//state drawable height
//state drawable width
//The padding of the left, it base on the value of state_drawable_mode.
//The padding of the top, it base on the value of state_drawable_mode.
//boolean. Whether to show the state drawble.
//Whether to use the Stroke Text Function.
//Attention, Once you opne this function, setTextColor() will not work.
//That means you must to uses text_fill_color to set text color.
// Text stroke color. The default value is Color.BLACK.
// Stroke text width.
// Stroke text color. The default value is Color.BLACK.
//boolean. Whether to use the Adjuster Function.
//Use this function to do what you want to do.
//If open this function, but you haven't implemented your Adjuster, the DefaultAdjuster will be used.
//The DefaultAdjuster can auto adjust text size.
All the attributes can be set in the java. You can also to get their value. e.g.:
Usually, you have to write and manage a lot of file to implement the effect of the above chart. But now, you can easy to do this in the XML.
Different from general Corner, SuperTextView can support to precise control the location of corner. One, two , three, what ever you want.
Use Stroke text is so easily!
Different from general state drawable, SuperTextView supports more precise control options. You can easy to set state drawable, just to use one attribute.
Adjuster is be designed to insert some options in the drawing process of the SuperTextView. It has very important sense. e.g. The DefaultAdjuster can auto adjust text size before the text be draw. Of course, you can use it to do any thing.
If you want to use Adjuster, you must to invoke SuperTextView.setAutoAdjust(true)
. Of course, you can invoke SuperTextView.setAutoAdjust(false)
to stop it at any time. You should invoke these method carefully. Because, once you invoke the SuperTextView.setAutoAdjust(true)
, but didn't set your Adjuster before, the DefaultAdjuster will be used immediately.Until you set yourself Adjuster.
To implement a Adjuster, you need to extends SuperTextView.Adjuster,and implement adjust(SuperTextView v, Canvas canvas)
method. Adjuster.adjust() will be invoke whenever the draw happened, that means you can intervene the drawing process in the outside.
public class YourAdjuster extends SuperTextView.Adjuster {
protected void adjust(SuperTextView v, Canvas canvas) {
//do your business。
Attention, if you start animation, you must be very careful to write the code in the adjuster(). Because the animation will be draw 60fps/s. That means, this method will be invoked 60 times in a second!So, do not to create any new object in this method. Otherwise, your app will be get a big lag!Because it will cause【Memory Thrashing】, and GC occur frequently. About the detail reason, you can see my this two articles:
If you override the onTouch(SuperTextView v, MotionEvent event)
method of the Adjuster, you will get the touch events of the SuperTextView. It's very important to get a series of touch events of SuperTextView to handle. And you must return true in the onTouch()
, Otherwise you will just get a ACTION_DOWN event, not a flow of events.
public class YourAdjuster extends SuperTextView.Adjuster {
protected void adjust(SuperTextView v, Canvas canvas) {
//do your business。
public boolean onTouch(SuperTextView v, MotionEvent event) {
//you can get the touch event.
//If want to get a series of touch event, you must return true here.
Because the SuperTextView the build-in animation driven, you can use Adjuster to implement the unbelievable effect. All the things you need to do is invoke startAnim()
and stopAnim()
to start or stop animation after your Adjuster write down.
As you can see, these beautiful effect is be implemented by Adjuster. This pull plugin design, makes you can use a new Adjuster in the SuperTextView at any time. You just need to create a new Adjuster, then invoke setAdjuster()
hopes to see the Ripple Effect, so in the
, I've shown how to use Adjuster with Animation Driven to implement the Ripple Effect. 【 link:】
See, you can implement your Ripple Effect.
Adjuster is sweet designed the hierarchy function. You invoke Adjuster.setOpportunity(Opportunity opportunity)
to set the hierarchy of your Adjuster in the SuperTextView.
In the SuperTextView, the hierarchy is from bottom to top is divided into:Background Hierarchy、Drawable Hierarchy、Text Hierarchy. You can use Opportunity to set the hierarchy of your Adjuster to that you want layer.
public enum Opportunity {
BEFORE_DRAWABLE, //between backgournd layer and drawable layer
BEFORE_TEXT, //between drawable layer and text layer
AT_LAST //The top layer
Opportunity chart.
The default value is Opportunity.BEFORE_TEXT
. Like the second chart.
In fact, SuperTextView like a canvas, and you can draw your creative on it. It makes you forces on the creation, and you never need to write these useless code.
- If you like the SuperTextView, please give me a star!Thank you!
- I always writing "Dry Goods", if you want to continuous attention to me, you can go to 【My Personal Homepage】, and give me a followed. Let's drive~
Add these code to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.chenBingX:SuperTextView:v1.0'
You can Clone my 【Github repositories :】, find and attrs.xml in the library package, then copy them to your project.
Now, you can begin to use the SuperTextView immediately.
Copyright (C) 2017 CoorChice
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.