Collect Lots of Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, Trojan, Vmess from Public Sources & Filter Best Nodes By SpeedV2RayAggregator Quick Note & Updates 🔴 This project is still under maintance. so don't use it until further announcement cause there is a chance you will get errors while updating the nodes, etc. 🟢 11/1/2022: from now you can use this project. also readme file updated with the recent changes so you can find out which file to use. Introduction The automation functions of this reposi…
很多镜像都在国外。比如 gcr 。国内下载很慢,需要加速。public-image-mirror Sync: 定期同步列表里的 image tag 的同步率, 只要 tag 存在就是同步的. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!通知!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 由于近期个别 Image 和 IP 存在大流量, 近期将会进行屏蔽 如果有大量需求的 可以自己搭建服务器 或者提个 Issue 商量或邮件联系 当前 IP 限流 20r/m (每分钟20个请求) 背景 很多镜像都在国外。比如 gcr 。国内下载很慢,需要加速。 目标 一个简洁有效的方法能够加速这些包。简洁的名称映射 易于添加,添加新的包,不需要去修改代码。 稳定可靠,更新实时。每天检查同步情况。 快速开始 docker run -d -P 使用方法 增加前缀 (推荐方式)。比如: =>…
Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3. RetroArch RetroArch is the reference frontend for the libretro API. Popular examples of implementations for this API includes video game system emulators and game engines as well as more generalized 3D programs. These programs are instantiated as dynamic libraries. We refer to these as "libretro cores". libretro libretro is an API that exposes generic audio/video/input callbacks. A frontend for libretro (…
The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer This repo was made with love using GitKraken. Join the community What started as the offspring of oh-my-posh2 for PowerShell resulted in a cross platform, highly customizable and extensible prompt theme engine. After 4 years of working on oh-my-posh, a modern and more efficient tool was needed to suit my personal needs. ❤️ Support ❤️ - Show your love with a t-shirt! - One time support, or a recurring don…
CUDA accelerated rasterization of gaussian splattinggsplat gsplat is an open-source library for CUDA accelerated rasterization of gaussians with python bindings. It is inspired by the SIGGRAPH paper 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Rendering of Radiance Fields, but we’ve made gsplat even faster, more memory efficient, and with a growing list of new features! gsplat-quick-intro.mp4 Installation Dependence: Please install Pyto…
Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speaker recongition using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 servers, websocket server/client, C/C++, Python, Kotlin, C#, Go, NodeJS, Java, SwiftIntroduction This repository supports running the following functions locally Speech-to-text (i.e., ASR); both streaming and non-streaming are supported Text-to-speech (i.e., TTS) Speaker identification Speaker verificatio…
🏠 将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手。 MiGPT:智能家居,从未如此贴心 ❤️ 在这个数字化的世界里,家已不仅仅是一个居住的地方,而是我们数字生活的延伸。 MiGPT 通过将小爱音箱、米家智能设备,与 ChatGPT 的理解能力完美融合,让你的智能家居更懂你。 MiGPT 不仅仅是关于设备自动化,而是关于:打造一个懂你、有温度、与你共同进化的家。 未来,你的每个智能家居设备,从灯泡、插座,到扫地机器人、电视等, 都可以作为一个个独立的智能体 (Agent),更智能、更贴心的响应你的指令。 这些独立的智能体,也可以彼此感知,彼此配合,构成一个更强大的协作网络。 而小爱音箱就像是你的智能家居专属管家,全心全意为你服务,释放智能家居的真正潜力。 ⚡️ 项目预览 👉 查看完整演示视频:【整活!将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手~】 mi-gpt-demo1.mp4 ✨ 项目亮点 🎓 LLM 回答。想象一下,你的小爱音箱变身聊天高手,可以使用 ChatGP…
Mesop: Build delightful web apps quickly in Python 🚀 Used at Google for rapid internal app development Mesop is a Python-based UI framework that allows you to rapidly build web apps like demos and internal apps: Intuitive for UI novices ✨ Write UI in idiomatic Python code Easy to understand reactive UI paradigm Ready to use components Frictionless developer workflows 🏎️ Hot reload so the browser automatically reloads and preserves state Rich IDE support with strong type safety Flexible for …
End-to-end stack for WebRTC. SFU media server and SDKs. LiveKit: Real-time video, audio and data for developers LiveKit is an open source project that provides scalable, multi-user conferencing based on WebRTC. It's designed to provide everything you need to build real-time video audio data capabilities in your applications. LiveKit's server is written in Go, using the awesome Pion WebRTC implementation. Features Scalable, distributed WebRTC SFU (Selective Forwarding …