RuoYi AI 是一个全栈式 AI 开发平台,旨在帮助开发者快速构建和部署个性化的 AI 应用。RuoYi AI 快速搭建属于自己的 AI 助手平台 全新升级,开箱即用,简单高效 探索本项目的文档 » 项目预览 · 报告Bug · 提出新特性 目录 源码地址 特色功能 项目演示 后台管理 用户端 小程序端 开发前的配置要求 文件目录说明 使用到的框架 贡献者 如何参与开源项目 版本控制 作者 鸣谢 源码地址 项目文档: 前端-后台管理: 前端-用户端: 小程序端: 演示地址: 后台管理:…
🧡 Follow everything in one place Folo As they say, your thoughts are what you read—and we’ve been consuming noisy feeds for too long! Folo organizes content into one timeline, keeping you updated on what matters, noise-free. Share lists, explore collections, and enjoy distraction-free browsing. 👋🏻 Getting Started & Join Our Community Whether for users or professional developers, Folo wil…
Cloudflare MCP Server Model Context Protocol (MCP) is a new, standardized protocol for managing context between large language models (LLMs) and external systems. In this repository, we provide an installer as well as an MCP Server for Cloudflare's API. This lets you use Claude Desktop, or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things on your Cloudflare account, e.g.: Please deploy me a new Worker with an example durable object. Can you tell me about the data in my D1 databa…
🚀 Curated list of open-source, self-hosted projects deployable with Docker and docker-compose. Your go-to resource for amazing self-hostable software.Awesome Self-Host Docker 🚀 Curated list of open-source, self-hosted projects deployable with Docker and docker-compose. Your go-to resource for amazing self-hostable software. Table of Contents Productivity Development Media Communication Security Monitoring File Sharing Home Automation Analytics Miscellaneous Productivity Project Descriptio…
Universal File Online Preview Project based on Spring-BootkkFileView Introduction Document online preview project solution, built using the popular Spring Boot framework for easy setup and deployment. This versatile open source project provides basic support for a wide range of document formats, including: Supports Office documents such as doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, csv, tsv, , dotm, xlt, xltm, dot, xlam, dotx, xla, ,pages etc. Supports domestic WPS Office documents such as wps, dp…
Git blame for file treesgit-who git-who is a command-line tool for answering that eternal question: Who wrote this code?! Unlike git blame, which can tell you who wrote a line of code, git-who tells you the people responsible for entire components or subsystems in a codebase. You can think of git-who sort of like git blame but for file trees rather than individual files. Demo This README contains comprehensive documentation. For an overview, see Who Will Maintain Vim? A Demo of Git Who. Inst…
The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery 🧑🔬 The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery 🧑🔬 📚 [Paper] | 📝 [Blog Post] | 📂 [Drive Folder] One of the grand challenges of artificial intelligence is developing agents capable of conducting scientific research and discovering new knowledge. While frontier models have already been used to aid human scientists—for example, for brainstorming ideas or writing code—they s…
Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite.Shadcn Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard UI crafted with Shadcn and Vite. Built with responsiveness and accessibility in mind. I've been creating dashboard UIs at work and for my personal projects. I always wanted to make a reusable collection of dashboard UI for future projects; and here it is now. While I've created a few custom components, some of the code is directly adapted from ShadcnUI examples. This is not a starter project (template…
Maple Mono: Open source monospace font with round corner, ligatures and Nerd-Font for IDE and terminal, fine-grained customization options. 带连字和控制台图标的圆角等宽字体,中英文宽度完美2:1,细粒度的自定义选项 Download | Website | English | 中文 Maple Mono Maple Mono is an open source monospace font focused on smoothing your coding flow. I create it to enhance my working experience, and hope that it can be useful to others. V7 is a completely remade version, providing variable font format and source file…