A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome formats and lints your code in a fraction of a second. Biome supports JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, and CSS. It aims to support all main languages of modern web development. Biome has sane defaults and requires minimal configuration. Biome helps you as much as possible by displaying detailed and contextualized diagnostics. Read more about our project philosophy. Biome unifies functionality that h…
OpenAI's Code Interpreter in your terminal, running locally.● Open Interpreter Let language models run code on your computer. An open-source, locally running implementation of OpenAI's Code Interpreter. pip install open-interpreter interpreter Open Interpreter lets LLMs run code (Python, Javascript, Shell, and more) locally. You can chat with Open Interpreter through a ChatGPT-like interface in your terminal by running $ interpreter after installing. This provides a nat…
Open Source Wealth Management Software. Angular + NestJS + Prisma + Nx + TypeScript 🤍 Ghostfolio Open Source Wealth Management Software Ghostfol.io | Live Demo | Ghostfolio Premium | FAQ | Blog | Slack | Twitter Ghostfolio is an open source wealth management software built with web technology. The application empowers busy people to keep track of stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies and make solid, data-driven investment decisions. The software is designed for personal use in continuous operat…
开屏跳过-安卓系统的开屏广告自动跳过助手Android-Touch-Helper 开屏跳过 - 安卓系统的开屏广告自动跳过助手 自动跳过软件的实现,一般都是基于安卓的Accessibility“无障碍服务”实现。开启了无障碍服务的软件,可以获取屏幕上的任何内容,从而可以检测广告,帮助用户自动跳过。因此,使用广告跳过程序,最大的风险是个人信息被泄露! 本程序是开源程序,不需要网络权限,不需要存储权限,不会收集或者上传任何信息!绝无隐私问题! 程序可以使用三种方法跳过开屏广告: 关键字。在应用中查找含有关键字的按钮,如果发现了对应的按钮,自动帮用户点击从而跳过广告。 应用的指定控件。当应用工作时,自动查找对应的控件,如果找到则自动点击; 应用的指定位置。当应用工作时,自动点击对应的区域。 欢迎大家贡献想法和代码! 项目网站 http://TouchHelper.zfdang.com 感谢 项目借鉴了不少AccessibilityTool的代码,在此表示感谢! https://github.com/LGH1996/AccessibilityTool
Degrees of Lewdity 游戏的授权中文社区本地化版本Degrees of Lewdity 中文本地化发布库 简介 放在前面... 游戏作者 Vrelnir 的博客 游戏 wiki (英文) 游戏源码仓库 关于本仓库 -> 本仓库地址 <- 本仓库将会不定期放出游戏的简体中文本地化版本,仅供交流学习,请于下载后 24 小时内删除。仓库本身不含游戏相关内容,仅作为发布地址。对在其它平台下载的游戏文件不保证安全性,请谨慎下载。 游戏完全免费游玩,严禁将中文本地化版本用作商业盈利用途或公开大肆传播,对于商业盈利或公开传播导致的可能法律后果完全由使用者自行承担,与汉化成员无关。允许在小范围个人之间传播,传播时请附上原作者的相关信息。 如在游玩过程中遇到任何问题,或对汉化文本有建议,请发布 issue 反馈,反馈时请附上出现问题时的截图 + 游戏存档文件 / 游戏存档代码,在其它平台反馈问题可能得不到回应。 关于游戏发布 如无特殊情况,本仓库每周五晚上九点将会定期发布新版本,下载请见右侧的 releases 游戏发布时会自动部署到 Github…
PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.DINOv2: Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision Meta AI Research, FAIR Maxime Oquab, Timothée Darcet, Théo Moutakanni, Huy V. Vo, Marc Szafraniec, Vasil Khalidov, Patrick Labatut, Armand Joulin, Piotr Bojanowski [Paper] [Blog] [Demo] [BibTeX] PyTorch implementation and pretrained models for DINOv2. For details, see the paper: DINOv2: Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision. DINOv2 models produce high-…
A source code based low-code builder without private schema. Integrate low-code into your local development workflow seamlessly. Tango LowCode Builder A source code based low-code builder from NetEase Cloud Music Develop Team. English | 简体中文 📄 Documentation You can view the detailed usage guide through the following links: Document site: https://netease.github.io/tango/ Playground application: https://tango-demo.musicfe.com/designer/ ✨ Features Tested in the production environment o…
Create Customized Software with Natural Language IdeasCommunicative Agents for Software Development 📖 Overview ChatDev stands as a virtual software company that operates through various intelligent agents holding different roles, including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Programmer, Tester, and more. These agents form a multi-agent organizational structure and are united by a mission to "revolutionize the digital world through programming." The agents within Cha…
BatteryML: An Open-Source Tool for Machine Learning on Battery Degradation Introduction The performance degradation of lithium batteries is a complex electrochemical process, involving factors such as the growth of solid electrolyte interface, lithium precipitation, loss of active materials, etc. Furthermore, this inevitable performance degradation can have a significant impact on critical commercial scenarios, such as causing 'range anxiety' for electric vehicle users and aff…