Category : github

ianpatt / sfse

Starfield Script Extender Building git clone cmake -B sfse/build -S sfse cmake --build sfse/build --config Release Runtime Support SFSE supports the latest version of Starfield on Steam. The MS Store/Gamepass version is not supported. No, making it so you can see the files doesn't solve the problem.

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:13
OpenBMB / AgentVerse

🤖 AgentVerse 🪐 provides a flexible framework that simplifies the process of building custom multi-agent environments for large language models (LLMs). 🤖 AgentVerse 🪐 A Framework for Multi-LLM Environment Simulation AgentVerse offers a versatile framework that streamlines the process of creating custom multi-agent environments for large language models (LLMs). Designed to facilitate swift development and customization with minimal effort, our fra…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:11
OpenPipe / OpenPipe

Turn expensive prompts into cheap fine-tuned models OpenPipe Turn expensive prompts into cheap fine-tuned models. Hosted App - Running Locally - Experiments Use powerful but expensive LLMs to fine-tune smaller and cheaper models suited to your exact needs. Evaluate model and prompt combinations in the playground. Query your past requests and export optimized training data. Try it out at or run it locally. Features Experiment …

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:10
tairov / llama2.mojo

Inference Llama 2 in one file of pure 🔥llama2.🔥 why this port? This repository serves as a port that provides a Mojo-based implementation of llama2.c. With the release of Mojo, I was inspired to take my Python port of and transition it to Mojo. The result? A version that leverages Mojo's SIMD & vectorization primitives, boosting the Python performance by nearly 250x. Impressively, the Mojo version now outperforms the original llama2.c compiled in runfast mode out of the b…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:09
TryQuiet / quiet

A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS Quiet Encrypted p2p team chat with no servers, just Tor. Downloads | How it Works | Features | Threat Model | Mission | FAQ | Developer setup Quiet is an alternative to team chat apps like Slack, Discord, and Element that does not require trusting a central server or running one's own. In Quiet, all data syncs directly between a team's device…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:09
turboderp / exllamav2

A fast inference library for running LLMs locally on modern consumer-class GPUsExLlamaV2 This is a very initial release of ExLlamaV2, an inference library for running local LLMs on modern consumer GPUs. It still needs a lot of testing and tuning, and a few key features are not yet implemented. Don't be surprised if things are a bit broken to start with, as almost all of this code is completely new and only tested on a few setups so far. Overview of differences compared to V1 Faster, better…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
microsoft / azurechat

🤖 💼 Azure Chat Solution Accelerator powered by Azure Open AI ServiceUnleash the Power of Azure Open AI Introduction Solution Overview Deploy to Azure Run from your local machine Deploy to Azure with GitHub Actions Add identity provider Chatting with your file Environment variables Introduction Azure Chat Solution Accelerator powered by Azure Open AI Service Azure Chat Solution Accelerator powered by Azure Open AI Service is a solution accelerator that allows organisations to deploy a private…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:07
dataelement / bisheng

Bisheng is an open LLM devops platform for next generation AI applications. 欢迎来到 Bisheng Bisheng 是什么 Bisheng是一款领先的开源大模型应用开发平台,赋能和加速大模型应用开发落地,帮助用户以最佳体验进入下一代应用开发模式。 “毕昇”是活字印刷术的发明人,活字印刷术为人类知识的传递起到了巨大的推动作用。我们希望“毕昇”同样能够为智能应用的广泛落地提供有力的支撑。欢迎大家一道参与。 Bisheng 基于 Apache 2.0 License 协议发布,于 2023 年 8 月底正式开源。 产品亮点 便捷:即使是业务人员,基于我们预置的应用模板,通过简单直观的表单填写方式快速搭建以大模型为核心的智能应用。 灵活:对大模型技术有了解的人员,我们紧跟最前沿大模型技术生态提供数百种开发组件,基于可视化且自由的流程编排能力,可开发出任意类型的大模型应用,而不仅是简单的提示词工程。 可靠与企业级:当前许多同类的开源项目仅适用于实验测试场景,缺少真正生产使用的企…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:06
FL33TW00D / whisper-turbo

Whisper on the web - turbocharged by your GPU 🏎️ What is Whisper Turbo? Whisper Turbo intends to be a drop-in replacement for the OpenAI Whisper API. This is built up from 3 things: A smooth compatibility layer for ingesting audio files of various formats and converting them to be Whisper compatible. Developer-friendly APIs for one-shot inference and streaming. The core Rust + WebGPU inference framework, Rumble, designed from the ground up for fast, cross-platform inference. RoadMap Check o…

  • пятница, 15 сентября 2023 г. в 00:00:05